1,193 -
Everything posted by keithd
lets see what he did wrong... 1. called him northenr - check 2. called him one eyed - check 3. called him an idiot - check 4. said he's the one who french connectioned the country in the first place - check man opens mouth and tells the truth shocker. nothing to see here, move on.
takes the talking points out of the game. soon we'll all be down the pub at home wherever talking about a totally sterile salient game, no talking points, no controversy. its like in football, we talk about bad refereering decisions, we wuz robbed. or alternatively talk about the luck we had and how we deserved it. without that the game loses a lot of its excitement.
3 wickets lost this morning, freddie for 43, prior for 64 (good knock) and broadie for 4 currently 304/8 sidebottom 17, harmi 5 batsmen not out anything on top of what we got now considered bonus runs in my humble
jimmy hill would turn in his grave if he were dead...
i've put swansea in my accumulator. says it all really 0-2. not as embarassing as the 2-0 handed out by Arsenal all them years ago, but not far off it in comparison
steelers will have too much game for them surely? too strong in all departments...steelers by 13.....
'Arry Makes Lunch I'll never understand women. Some of them don't even bother with the golf. I've got up this morning and her indoors has left a note saying she's gone up the shops and I'd better have made the lunch by the time she gets back or else. She says she wants spaghetti bolognaise. Opened up the fridge. Jesus Christ, have you seen what she's left me with? I'm down to the bare bones and no mistake. There's spaghetti, a tub of pasta sauce, some minced beef, fresh herbs, some parmesan cheese, a bottle of Baron Philippe de Rothschild Opus One Napa Valley 1987 red wine and Claudia Roden's 'Simple Mediterranean Cookery' book! Bloody amateur hour, I'm telling you. How the hell am I supposed to make spaghetti bolognaise with that little lot? I thought there'd be some top, top ingredients in there. Whoever's bought that from the supermarket should be ashamed of themself. It's a mish-mash of lopsided ingredients. The whole recipe has been badly constructed. It's scary, I'm telling you. I'm just standing there swearing and muttering to me self when the phone rings. It's Jeff Powell phoning up to say how brilliant I am and that I'm one of the best cooks of my time and that I could have cooked for England. I have to cut him off though because I've got Brian Woolnough on the other line saying I'm one of the kitchen's great characters and it's a bloody miracle how many meals I've made out of literally nothing. They're saying I'm like a ****ney Jesus, the way I've managed to feed the five thousand with the tiny amount I've had to spend in the supermarket and just my wheeler-dealer know-how. I need some better ingredients and fast. It's a hard job I've got on here this lunchtime believe me. If I can even get anything into a pan it'll be a massive achievement and I know Jeff and Woolly would agree with me. Trouble is the wife can't take criticism. Too precious these days, women. That's the trouble. I'm short of people with the right character in this house. When you're as stretched as I am, a lunch is a massive distraction from the really important meal: dinner. I think I'm just going to have to serve up the pot of pasta sauce with some tap water and just hope for the best. If I can pull this mess round it'll be a miracle.
indeed, i chose to judge her before i knew the full details. much like many ignorant plebs will do likewise of robinho... see what i did there!?
plus fours i could google it but want to use up my 3rd post of the day asking on here
this law annoys me somewhat....innocent until proven guilty yet his name can be bandied about the press and yet little miss slack knickers has the anonimity to hide behind....
decent goal. and judging by the way nearly every player ran over to congratulate him leads you to think how popular he is. its not as tho it was a winning goal in the last seconds, they were a comforatable 3-1 in front, so seems his peers are appreciative of his skillz
if i was leaving school now i'd head for uni. ride out the recession, leave in 3 or 4 years into a hopefully more bouyant economy
well...they won the tie. not the game. and the way they played they deserved to lose. hence "we deserve to be there"...how's that exactly...
you ought to read the sun's online account, it gives more of his interview. he's saying i've got a crap team, i had nothing to do with it, results are improving under me, this team is a mish mash, rubbish players... what do people see in this bloke?
OK. Really? How's that exactly then?
i had ajoke text from an asian friend... "i've just got back from the opticians, seems i could be colour blind. if you're white can you delete me from your phonebook.." i didnt get it
if i were a survivor on that plane it'd take a heck of a lot to get me on a plane again...but i guess taking law of averages into account chances of me being in a plane which crashed would be pretty remote.... nice work mr pilot man. as has been said i dont know of many, if any, landings on water which havn't resulted in fatalities. some may think ah nice smooth flat water, no worries, forgetting planes often have the engines under the wings which act as huge scoops and virtually stop the plane instantly and resulting in it breaking up. i shall look out for the footage on yewtube shortly...!!
http://uk.news.yahoo.com/5/20090115/twl-adolf-hitler-is-taken-into-care-3fd0ae9.html big surprise...
used to be Tottinghams hotspurs but have changed due to recent history... the only other team i look out for and are pleased when they win is Eastleigh. Cos i was born there and live 3 miles from.