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  1. that was the second option, first being to cough incredibly loud at point of can opening
  2. been fortunate to get a couple of tickets, most likely traveling official travel from Eastleigh. Last time I did official travel I think Alan Wells was in goal, so its been a while... anyways, is official travel a dry coach? I'd assume so but just in case I could sneak in a cheeky 4 pack I thought I'd ask
  3. Of course innocent until proven as has been said, but WTF goes through somebodies mind to do that? "I know, I'm going to set fire to this house in the hope I kill some children/my children...?" I hope the guilty can be brought to justice swiftly and make some attempt to explain why...
  4. played against winsor a lot in the early 90's, nice kit if i recall. Red with yellow stripes on the sides? might be getting kit wrong ...
  5. Plastics, jester hat wearing foam fingered fans. Sheff Utd proper club.
  6. fack all makes me cringe more than choreographed wedding dances. Makes me want to puke
  7. The Mrs and I walked back up the aisle to Barry White First Last Everything, got the mourners smiling. First dance was Paul Weller You Do Something to Me. I think we chose good tunes, plus they meant stuff to us so double good
  8. 1. Man City 2. U Man U 3. Arsenal 4. Chelsea 5. Tottenham 6. Liverpool 7. Everton 8. Newcastle 9. Sunderland 10. SFC 11. Villa 12. Fulham 13. Wham 14. Swansea 15. Reading 16. West Brum 17. Stoke 18. Narch 19. QPR 20. Wigan
  9. Never in doubt, doubting thomas
  10. Doing out best to throw this one away. Trott gone, now KP. 150+ more required
  11. Not sure what to do. I know Monday 28th is green bin day so I'll put that out on the evening of the 27th.
  12. her?
  13. keithd

    Medical help

    I retract my comment then Good luck resolving your ear issues
  14. keithd

    Medical help

    Im surprised people still take posts by Dog seriously...
  15. and id have gotten away with it if it wasnt for you pesky kids
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