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Running Man

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Everything posted by Running Man

  1. I think your point was a good one Ron. Peter Reid was hardly going to admit an approach. I think he was quoted as saying elsewhere in the article that he would think of returning to Blighty if a club 'like' Southampton wanted him. As for MJ, I can't help suspect he's huddled up somewhere in the UK with Mr Green and Dubai Phil trying to plot a last minute coup.
  2. Morning Morph - as I asked yesterday, do you accept that Pinnacle have inveted a lot even to get this far ie at least £500K in club wages etc, or do you believe that Crouch has paid all the bills?
  3. So who do you think has been paying for all the rubber he's burnt over the last few weeks Morph? Has Leon been stitched up again?
  4. As has been said elsewhere, the real problem could be that the FL may demand to see a CVA when we are bought otherwise we get hit with a further 15 point deduction. As Pinnacle are buying SFC (which is not in Administration) and not SLH (which is), it wil not be possible to produce a CVA for SFC.
  5. Just wondering if five 'Stickies' on the same subject is enough? If the Admins could make it, say about 10 we could totally ignore the rest of the forum down below the bottom of the screen.
  6. Couldn't agree more with your sentiments FF. Until the money man reveals who he is there will always be a degree of suspicion in my mind about the Pinnacle bid. Why does he feel the need for anonymity? If the deal goes t!ts up it is MLT who risks losing credibility in Southampton (although I should hope people would give him credit for trying to do something.) If Matt is wiling to raise his head above the parapet prior to a takeover being completed why isn't Mr Big?
  7. So his offer will be at a more realistic level than the Pinnacle and Green bids. I dare say his funds are more 'real' too. I would say this is quite encouraging. I hope he succeeds.
  8. LOL. I remember Dan Williams saying that GM had put him off investing in Saints due to his intrusion into his private life or words to that efect. That was a good thing of course.
  9. Perhaps he should save himself the stress, forget it and leave it to Pinnacle? If there is only one bidder, Fry might find it easier to choose and get the deal over and done with. Just a thought.
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