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Running Man

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Everything posted by Running Man

  1. I agree Minty. I enjoyed the game. It's clear that Pardew is making progress but as expected there is still a lot more to be done. I thought Mellis showed some promise but I don't see Thompson and Lallana as the players to give us the width we need. Also have to say that the armchair warriors on the first 20 or so posts on here who presume to give judgement without actually seeing the game really make me laugh. If I miss the game I wait to read comments form people who were there.
  2. Ah so you've watched 5 minutes of a Ladies Cup Final too then. By the way one person cannot be a majority of anything.
  3. And here children is proof positive that Neanderthals had VERY bad memories.
  4. It would be a nice idea and I hope he does. NB I wonder how many of the critical posters on this thread have watched Southampton Saints play? They might just be surprised if they could get past their prejudices and actually watch a match.
  5. Yes - pretty much the way it looked from where I was. I think Murty could be a good leader at the back. Thanks God we still have Kelvin though otherwise it could have been 7-1. He's definitely going to be worth a few points to us this season.
  6. A breath of fresh air as far as I can see. They look very well organised and efficient. The buyout went through very quickly and without any hitches. The Season Ticket pricing and implementation was well organised. Being able to go to SMS on the first day of sale and walk away with an ST after only 20 minutes was brilliant. I think Pardew is about the best combination of experience and a hungry winner with something to prove, that we could have hoped for. I'm assuming Andy Oldknow is responsible for much of the above so well done mate and keep up the good work.
  7. What a pity they're struggling to survive: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1199063/Charlton-brink-40m-debt-set-scupper-takeover-bid.html I guess Gillingham are going to be the biggest club in the South East now.
  8. Having looked at his record I think he's a superb choice for us. I didn't think Strachan (or Keegan) would have had their hearts in the job and Shearer was just too inexperienced imho. In Pardew we have someone who is still young, has a wealth of experience is a winner (albeit with a few setbacks) and I don't doubt feels he's got something to prove. I'm now glad I got my ST when I did, for one horrible moment I thought we were going to get Tony Adams. Looking forward to a great season. We have a mountain to climb, both in regard to the points and the team that needs assembling but let's hope we can give a good showing this season and get promotion next season if not this.
  9. OK we obviously don't need an unwilling candidate. Can't see too many Premiership clubs going for him though.
  10. Curbishley would seem to be quite a realistic possibility to me. I'd be surprised if he wasn't interviewed. Why isn't he in the poll?
  11. If he has fallen out with Mad Milan, Saint would be a very attractive option for him. I'm sure he'd also love re-joining up with AO who must be the life and soul of every party (just joking). My top three would be: Nigel Pearson Alan Curbishley - if he still has the hunger Mark Stimson - definitely an up and coming manager who will have the Gills near the top this season I think any of them would do well for us.
  12. aoldknow@saintsfc.co.uk I presume.
  13. It hasn't done his business reputation much good. As an ST holder for most of his best years at the Dell I don't need reminding of his talent. That last goal against Arse at the Dell was particularly special. btw - have you seen your thread on TUI? http://www.clubfanzine.com/southampton/v2.forum.posts.php?id_t=119233#14
  14. Yes it does Geoff - apart from the potential damage to the club, there is the reputation of two Saints legends to consider - MLT and The Farmer.
  15. Seems to me we were lucky that Markus didn't give up and leave us to go bust while your backers were wasting everyone's time and dropping out. Just my opinion of course.
  16. The FL couldn't have made a more meaningless statement if they were run by a second rate has-been politician.
  17. Trouble is Morph as you are well aware, Fry will have a figure in mind for a break up value of the assets. From what you've said previously I don't feel enormously confident that Mr Salz can better this, do you? I sincerely hope he can and does because unlike some / most / all of the previous bidders he is a fan and has integrity, business acumen and intelligence, the main characteristics we need the new owners of the club to possess.
  18. Acronyms Rule OK
  19. Research for ITN Part 2? Don't tell me you don't know the difference Between a lover and a fighter With my pen and my electric typewriter Even in a perfect world where everyone was equal I'd still own the film rights and be working on the sequel
  20. Agreed - and if Tony wonders why some of us were ready to crucify his backers if the bid wasn't genuine, it's because down here we care about our club and we've had a sad history of ****** characters around our club over recent years including: Lowe Wilde Agent Orange and Hoos not Paul Allen Dan Williams Barry the briefcase Beardsall to name but a few. If we didn't care about our club there wouldn't have been so much of a fuss but then again neither would there have been the potential for good crowds at SMS.
  21. I really hope this does mean that the deal goes through after all the delays and worries. However firstly Tony and Co. need to realise that in their attempts to be transparent they have caused their own PR problems. They need to get their story right - one investor or a consortium. Is Michael Fialka independently wealthy or a front man for a group of backers? When they put Michael up on Sky spouting that old cliche about not buying a pub without a license did they really think that no-one was going to Google him? If they choose to make an enemy of the Echo, which imho for once actually tried to do some research on the subject, they will once again be making a rod for their own backs. They will need the Echo's support in the future. It has to be far better to get together and work with them than antagonise them. Keep you friends close and your enemies closer. If they ride in to town from London on a charm offensive most fans will welcome them. If they charge in carrying writs and moaning about witch hunts they will probably live to regret it. Would be interested to hear Tony's views.
  22. Anyone read this from our old 'friend' St David. It makes some interesting points including the claim that Pinnacle have relied on Leon for all the funding to date. How reliable his info is, is another question of course... http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/forum/showpost.php?p=347419&postcount=66
  23. What a difference a day makes. Surely you of all people aren't worried about losing your credibility Trisf76.
  24. Now we know who he is but not who his backers are, assuming they exist at all (which TL and MLT seem confused about), I don't feel any more comfortable even if the money is there. The thought of the club being owned by a shady bunch of North London property dealers is almost enough to encourage me to buy a Season Ticket for Salisbury.
  25. There aren't many people on here calling GM a troll this morning I wonder why? The Pinnacle deals seems to be an utter fiasco. Clearly Mr Fialka is not the main backer. I for one would like to know who is trying to buy the club that I love. A buy out by a load of shady North London businessmen would not inspire me even if it did happen.
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