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Everything posted by slipped~halo

  1. greyhound
  2. Tony Blackburn Larry Hagman Pete Doherty Clint Eastwood
  3. Broccoli and Stilton.....mmmmmmmmmmmmm
  4. I wrote to NI regarding a complaint about Silverspoons for the JTP Trophy.....he chose to ignore all my emails too, perhaps he don't like it now the boot on the other foot!
  5. Well I went to that sh*thole of a dump and paid my £10 (well our party had about 25 tickets in all) It was the wrose place I'd ever seen and the ladies toilets were something else, practically a health hazzard I'd say....(I've taken plenty of photo's to back this up too) an utter rip off.....and yes I've been on the consumer law website too!!!! back to the football, it was an excellent afternoon...
  6. I lent Al Faraj some air freshener for that place called Pompey!
  7. Peter Stringfellow
  8. Go as a Bay City Roller!
  9. me too I got swine flu......but you just have to drag yourself off to the footie on sat....I mean we are true fans!!!!
  10. This thread will die on Friday! :-)
  11. Welcome back Delldays
  12. vaseline
  13. Good Morning all.................. I haven't been here in ages hope you are all well
  14. Have a Very Happy Birthday xx
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