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Everything posted by rolosfc

  1. After the atmosphere and performance at Bristol Rovers last night I am definitely going to go to this one, hoping it will stay on sale until next week though, rubbish allocation!
  2. I've got exactly the same for Huddersfield but 7 wins for us! BELIEVE! COYR!
  3. I was block 37 in the Kingsland yesterday and was very impressed with the atmosphere. Out sung the Northam on a few occassions and when I started up the 'we're the kingsland' loads joined in. Even the chapel sang a song or two yesterday!
  4. I find it unbelievable how everyone thinks we are certains for league champions next season. On a positive note though, play offs are still very much on, Huddersfield are the only team I can see beating us to it.
  5. Seriously I love Rickie but this thread is absolutely ridiculous!
  6. Got two yesterday at 11am! Get in there! Pub beforehand????
  7. Me and two mates waving our flags around on the way from the Green Man to Wembley, I snap mine in half against a brick wall to the amusement of everyone around us. My mate then buys an £8 air horn which he brakes mid flow, everyone responded with 'what a waste of money'. He then got it working again only to get it in the stadium (without seeing the no air horns sign!) and blow it in my mates face at full volume, then have it immediatley conviscated, again to chants of 'what a waste of money!' Funny times!
  8. How can some people still be negative after a 4-1 thrashing and a trophy?! Yes Wotton isn't as good a player as Morgan, we all know that, but the side Pardew put out did the job and played some good stuff at times.
  9. Good article, nice to see a respectable national paper like the Times sitting up and taking notice. Highlights Cortese's passion for the club and achieving success.
  10. Has to be one vision for me for exactly the same reason. Great memories of standing on my seat in the family centre as soon as the song came on and looking across to my right as the team walked out.
  11. Totally agree with switching back to a 451, i prefer the fluidity of it and we have the players in lallana and puncheon to work the system well. However I don't agree that James should play ahead of Hammond. Granted he didn't have a fantastic game Tuesday but he has been one of our most consistent performers this season and doesn't deserve to be dropped.
  12. The team looked tired. Having Jaidi and Thomas at the back, neither can make a 5 yard pass, is a bad idea. Rushing the ball forward as soon as we conceded, very naive and exactly why we collapsed against Pompey. If we had stuck to our football we would have broke them down eventually and got at least a point. Delivery into the box was also terrible and I thought Puncheon was very wasteful. Positives, Harding and Morgan had solid games and looked lively, also nice to see Connolly back but why did we persist in playing crap balls into the box instead of actually passing to him?
  13. His two goals against Everton in the Great Escape season best memory of him. I was discussing his brilliance last Saturday night in fact!
  14. Best one yet! We should definitely sing this as it has a lot more relevance than the Frank Lampard version or the 30 yard one.
  15. If we play like we did 1st half in the home match we could slip up. Came out and battered them second half though, a win ANY win will be fantastic. COYR!!
  16. Only wore it once in Benali's testimonial. I bought the shirt and had Ostenstad 10 on the back, throught it was a great kit at the time.
  17. Tomaz Hajto! He had one hell of a pass on him. All he ever did was spend all game knocking 50 yard cross-field passes.
  18. Where did you get this number from? It is legitimate I take it!
  19. We used to do it under Alan Ball so MLT could try to win his spread bets on when the ball goes out of play!
  20. All this talk of will Pardew be given 18 months is ridiculous IMO. Yes he has spent money but most of his signings have/hopefully will pay off. We desperately need stability at this club, the lack of this has been our downfall in the last 10 years. Give him his 18 months at least, JPT final win and a late push to get relatively close to the play offs will set us up fantastically for next season. COYR
  21. Totally agree, if anyone had shown his sort of passion we may never have gone down in 2005 in the first place. MK Dons were constantly trying to wind our players up last night and in the first leg, especially Gleeson who was constantly niggling. Luckily though we didn't get bullied oout of it like we have done many times before! COYR!
  22. Totally agree, James is much better as a holding midfield player than a right back. His lack of pace is less of a problem there and he has a great range of passing. Will give less free-kicks away than Wotton and you still have Hammond in there to provide bite in the tackle.
  23. 4-5-1 is the way forward. Its a much more fluent formation allowing players like AL and Antonio to flourish. Both left gaps behind them against Brighton, leaving Hammond and MS exposed and with too much ground to cover. Connolly spent too much time on Sunday playing on the last defender, giving us no real link up between the midfield and Lambert. Yes we came from behind to win after switching to 4-4-2, but it doesn't work the other way around. If 4-4-2 is not working we don't seem to have another option.
  24. Davis James Perry Trottman Harding Mellis Gillett Hammond Gobern Lallana Lambert I think Lallana needs to play in behind Lambert, he is innefective out wide and didn't get on the ball enough at Swindon, but through the middle he could cause serious problems. Lancashire, Thomas, Schneirderlin and Wotton should all be dropped after their useless performances against Swindon.
  25. IN... Murty, Harding, Jaidi?? OUT... Molyneux, James, Lancashire
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