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Everything posted by Fordy

  1. I'm also needing 1 adult ticket. Happy to pay a bit over the odds for it. I would need to collect from the ground (or near it) as i live in Twickenham. andyford@ntlworld.com Cheers
  2. I couldn’t see it either. Guessing they got snapped up. I’m also looking for 1 single ticket. Been living overseas and just back for the holidays. Would pay up to £50-60 for a ticket in the unlikely event one becomes available.
  3. Does anyone happen to know if this counts towards your 'away game attendance loyalty' (or whatever they like to call it) for future purchase of tickets (specifically to get higher priority the the European away matches) Cheers
  4. Due to one of our group dropping out because of sickness.... I have one single adult ticket available. I'll be in Manchester around 5pm ish if anyone needs it. 07506 836836 Cheers
  5. For those of us that live around the Woking area (and even ones that don't, but have nothing else to do later!) there's a charity match tonight (7pm) at Kingfield. £10 entry, kids free etc Loads of ex Saints involved... Woking Legends Provisional Squad managed by Geoff Chapple: Stuart Baverstock, Adam Newton, Lloyd Wye, Scott Smith, Dereck Brown, Kevin Betsy, Steve Thompson, Andy Ellis, Tim Buzaglo, John Nutter, Scott Steele. Celebrity Provisional Squad managed by Andrew Laithwaite: Matt Le Tissier, Paul Merson, Darren Anderton, James Beattie, Paul Walsh, Ian Baird, Gordon Watson, Glenn Cockerill, Mark Blake, David Hughes. Full details here... http://www.wokingfc.co.uk/news/article/5414/the-knights-cup-woking-legends-v-celebs-this-thursday-/
  6. I've just been on the ticket site now to get my Leicester ticket and it appears that there's 13 available (unrestricted view) and 9 left with restricted view for Stoke. Even though the email I got from the club this morning said that it was sold out? Anyways be quick and you'll get one.
  7. Looking for ONE ticket if anyone has one at late notice? Got a mate desperate to come with us tomorrow (saints fan obvs!) he's only a member so had no chance on normal sale process. Give me a call or text if anything comes up. Cheers 07506 836836
  8. This ticket has now been taken. Thx
  9. Very late notice... I've got ONE spare ticket for tomorrow. Upper tier face value £20. I'll be on the train from Woking around 8:30, in Euston around 9:30. Leave Euston on the 10:49 and get into Manchester at 13:55. Can meet at any of the above or just at the ground. Whatever's easiest for you... Cheers, Andy 07506836836
  10. 50 pound? 50 effing pound. Screw you Adidas... Screw you in your corporate asses. Bring back our own label even if the quality was a bit naff
  11. I voted "I don't like it, but will buy it anyways" This is purely down to the last shirt I brought was the 'sash' and have worn it to games every season since. Its now pretty old and is needing a replacement unfortunately I may see if there's any retro shirts in the store for this season and get one of those instead. This, and the last seasons shirt have been awful imo. If it's also over £45 they can stick it. One season rotation at those prices is a rip off, especially if its not an entirely unique design to us. I'm sure they'll sell *we get told by the marketing dept* record breaking numbers, and I'll probably be one of them unless i can find an alternative. Could just buy a plain red t-shirt tbh... Would be practically the same thing ffs. In fact can i change my answer to "i don't like it, and i not buying one. I'm going to get a red t-shirt for £3 at primark" Thx
  12. No worries buddy, and i also apolagize about my first post rant... It just really winds me up after every game we have a thread pops up slagging off Guly no matter how it seems he's played... That on top of the vocal and animated abuse he receives in the ground without having even kicked a ball yet!! Unbelievable. Really got my back up this afternoon leaving the ground. Seems that we've been spoilt over the last two years and a few people are frustrated that we're no longer winning every week and the doom and gloom is back and people want someone to blame.
  13. Seeing as i'm a "half-wit" and later in this thread you refer to me as "pig ignorant", i thought i should maybe clear up my sentements in my original post... My reply was not directed specifically at you. It was more directed to the OP (who started a thread and has since disappeared without responding to any post. Maybe like you he already knows the answers?) Yes Guly isn't the worlds best player. Yes he has games when he's poor. But he doesn't deserve anywhere near the amount of abuse he gets either in the ground or on here. For someone to hurl abuse at a player, that plays for the team he supports, as he's just been brought on in the 75min when the team is winning 2-1 is just weird imo. Nigel made all 3 subs within about 5 mins of each other, all of which were attacking options. Fox was getting caught out of postion too high up the field. Fonte has moments of lack of concentration and we started to sit back and try and defend once all the changes had been made. Mayuka hasn't played for us yet (was this the right time for him to get a debut) Ive seen nothing so far of Rodriguez to say that he's going to bring us anything and today hasn't changed my view. And Guly was playing wide right taking up where Punch had had a very good game and was probably unlucky to be subbed. Personaly i think Gulys work rate is pretty good. If he loses the ball he chases it back. His movement off the ball to create space and his hold up play is excellent (allthough i admit he does sometimes take a bit too much time on the ball). I'm just not entirely sure which postition he should be playing? Maybe the choice of subs was wrong and we should blame Nigel Maybe we sat back and tried to absorb pressure and defend the lead for too long Maybe we shouldn't rely on forward players covering our defenders mistakes and being out of position Or just maybe we were playing Manchester United and they had Van Persie and he single handedly won them the match? Personally i thought the team were fantastic today. Every player put in 100%. We got beat by class finishing, a little naivety, and a few slip ups. Keep playing as we did today, and we won't have any problems come the end of the season. We used to have Paul Wotton, not the most gifted but always 100%, also Jason Ewell and then Papa Waigo.... Now we have Guly. The new player the fans love to hate. Here's looking forward to 2 weeks time and the next Guly bashing thread after the Arsenal game for no apparent reason
  14. **** me, we have some totally and utterly clueless 'fans' You Sir have no idea of football and have just jumped on the Guly is **** bandwagon. Next time you go to a match (and I do mean GO to a match, not just watch it on sky) then you might see the bigger picture. If I'm wrong and you were at the game today, then you're probably the cock in front of me, who was screaming at the top of his voice "you're f'ing ****, f off, useless" and giving the w@nker sign etc as he was just running onto the pitch having not even kicked a ball yet. Or you could be the other clueless cock i over heard leaving the stadium saying "redknapp ain't the man i want, but i have serious doubts over Nigel and he's not the man to take us to where we want to be" I admit im not a football genius and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But ****ing el.... We have some total knobs as supporters.
  15. Nice to see that although P'boro scored 7, our overall goal difference is still better than theirs. Gotta be happy with that. We're a consistent goal machine, not just a one off against the shambolic Ipswich 'defence'
  16. ****ed.my.pants
  17. But the Met Police don't qualify for the League Cup?? Think they'll be in the FA cup tho, if they get far enough
  18. Jeeez... Will people on this board never learn? "Right then, this bloke is clearly sh!t. Lets sack him and get someone else in. While we're looking for the right manager we'll just get the youth team coach or kit man or sommit to caretake till the end of the season... Ok, there doesn't seem to be anyone out there to take charge (well not Jose, fergie, wenger etc anyways) so what we should do is give the full time job to the tea boy and see how that goes..." ** 5 games into next season, draw 2 loose 3 ** "Right this bloke's sh!t too... Fire him! Who shall we go for next?" **Next management comedy duo say they play total football** "that's just what we're looking for!!" etc etc blar blar 5/6/7 managers a year works great doesn't it people? It's amazing how short peoples memories are. Personally i expected mid table at the very best the start of this season, what with the mess we were in. Last sunday gave me one of my best days out i've had as a saints fan (and it seemed others had a pretty good times too, including the players be the looks of things). I am looking forward to next season and pretty confident that we'll be winning games. Sacking yet ANOTHER manager would be suicide imo. But what the hell do i know??
  19. Well said that man.... GET IN
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