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  1. Some other good coaching videos from a year or later ago. Anthony Limbrick taking some drills with the u14's regarding pressing in the final third. Talks about pressing at the right times etc. Josh Sims is one of the 14's being coached.
  2. Why can't we mould Ings? He's younger. He wouldn't be insistent on starting every week. He's a natural goal scorer. Not sure how you judge Ings to be over rated and Rhodes the ideal signing? Personally, I'll trust what ever our recruitment team decide to do but think they are both similar. I don't think either are exceptional talents though and we could probably create one for ourselves with a bit of patience. That's what our academy is striving for is it not? With Rodriguez coming back and Seager and Gallagher coming through is Rhodes really exceptional enough to not miss out on? I also wouldn't take the Rhodes links too seriously, he's been touted around in every window for a few years now and nobody has gone for it. He can't get in the Scotland squad and I've seen Strachan explain because he doesn't offer a lot outside of the box.
  3. I'm just intrigued to know how you've judged that. How are you measuring motivation and commitment to the Saints cause?
  4. There is a possibility that their full backs/wing backs on Monday will be Young and Valencia. We should be attacking them at every opportunity with wingers and attacking full backs.
  5. I'll take 56:01-57:00 if I can. Thanks.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OjlMph7g0dI Reed talks here about the aim to get 50% of the team to be home grown.
  7. Hopkins

    Shane Long

    What are you basing that on out of interest? Buying Fraizer Campbell is never good business at any price.
  8. Don't believe the £12 million Jim White crap and just have a little think about Long and Jay Rod buzzing around the unit that is Pelle. It could work out alright.
  9. Harsh on Samaras in here tbf. I'm not sure I believe the story but he's a lot better than people are giving him credit for. His rep isn't great here but on his day he is unplayable at times.
  10. It wasn't bs at all. He stated quite openly from the beginning that he had no problem with people doing medicals as long as it's in their own time. By own time he meant when he's given the squad time off or afternoons off etc. As long as they don't miss out on training or meetings etc then he doesn't give a **** what they do, and he's said that from the start. No idea why anyone thought any different.
  11. So a player we were happy to sell and have been looking to replace for a while now and 2 that have out grown the club and fancy a shot at the big time who we have got a lot of money for? We didn't want to sell but the players who want to go we've got good deals for. That's fine then. Invest, replace and move on. Hysterical over reaction on this board once again.
  12. So many people over reacting again. Calm the **** down. It's really not THAT bad a deal. I can understand why everyone is getting annoyed and yes it's upsetting to lose a club legend BUT as a club this isn't that bad a deal. Decent money for a striker we have tried to replace and were having to replace in the future anyway. It's an absolute dream move for him. Good luck to him but for us, I think it's a chance to bring in 1 more striker, let Gallagher keep progressing as a player and maybe bring Jay Rodriguez in a more central role. It's an evolution that was always going to happen, we probably didn't envisage us selling him, probably expecting him to settle for being on the bench a lot over the next year or two before he retired. It's a shame, but who can blame him and I really don't think we could have stood in his way. Talisman for us? Sure, but we've been trying to move on anyway, Osvaldo was supposed to be his replacement, Lambert nearly went in January until that whole thing blew up. We needed to move on anyway, now we have to. I'm just chuffed for Lambert himself. Chuffed he gets a dream move rather than fading out with us.
  13. Not sure it's that bad a deal for us really. Last chance we were going to get any money for him and we can go out and (hopefully) get a younger replacement. Chuffed for Rickie, getting a dream move. Liverpool get a good striker to come play the Sheringham role. We lose a good striker and obviously a legend so on the face of it, it's a blow, but in terms of pure business, it's probably not that bad a move. Still not convinced it's true mind.
  14. To respond to a twitter rumour which is clearly a wind up? Nah. https://twitter.com/___TomK/status/472058956622614528/photo/1
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