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percy windham

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Everything posted by percy windham

  1. anyone know how many tickets we have left? i was working tomorrow, but now dont need to so was going to pay on the door.
  2. that was the red stripe. my uncle did that cover, i still have it somewhere.
  3. i already said jive bunny. it was ignored. their talents are obviously wasted on these cretins.
  4. i adore this channel, it was better when it was just "The Horror Channel" though. i went to see The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas" yesterday, a very sobering experience.
  5. this morning i have mostly been playing: Scotch Egg - KFC Core, ****mat - Killababylonkutz, and Portishead - Third. lovely stuff all round.
  6. "action packed mentalist brings you the f*cking jams" you can thank me later. i also agree with 2manydjs, and jive bunny.
  7. very obvious this film, i did think.
  8. Despite being a 3rd year film student, i have never heard of this film (O the shame of it all), anyways it sounds ace, i shall search it out.
  9. The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart, lovely shoe gaze type stuff, probably from Skandiavia. Mogwai - The Hawk Is Howling. good stuff, i like it more than Mr. Beast, but it no Young Team.
  10. this post must be laced with sarcasm.
  11. saw them at reading four or five years ago, and a mate lent me some albums after and i really got into them. very good band.
  12. i was going to say irreversible. youll never look at a man getting his face smashed in with a fire extinguisher in the same way again. switchblade romance, zombie flesh eaters and city of the living dead are all good 'uns, and some of the asian films mentioned (save the green planet etc) are worth checking out aswell. and Suspiria, mayhaps tis the greatest images myne eyes ever seen.
  13. add the original night of the living dead to that list aswell. and death watch, although that is a bit ****
  14. army of darkness. never gets old. "gimme some sugar baby"
  15. i once dressed as a snow leopard. mark dennis said i was the best snow leopard he had ever seen.
  16. i really like this album lots. i dont have the second though, know if its any good?
  17. tuesday on setanta
  18. sorry, cant tell if you are being sarcastic or not, but its not actually based on a true story. its all make believe
  19. i studied the original at A level, fantastic film, havent seen the remake though.
  20. manic street preachers - miss europa disco dancer
  21. steely dan - pretzel logic
  22. JJs is the correct answer
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