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Everything posted by suewhistle

  1. A quick Glasgow kiss and then a knee to the groin? Or would it be better the other way round?
  2. It seemed to me that the first half was all about containment - not surprisingly given recent circumstances - but the second half we had more aggression and were playing with greater freedom. Sugawara's crossing has been noted, and he also went past his man on the outside instead of constantly checking back, we used some long throws to effect which we haven't before this season. Archer's goal was a quality finish so let's hope we can see more of those, and perhaps a few decisions in our favour, including the times that Dibling is obviously singled out for rough treatment.
  3. He's been playing regularly..
  4. What an indictment of recruitment that list is! One or two would be perfectly fine as backups in a stronger squad, like Lallana has shown in some shorter cameos, and Wood has in the last couple of games, but why Cornet or BBD or Stewart or Larios.. Why let Adams go without a replacement, although at least we've got Fernandez this season after losing Alvarez?
  5. I was wondering whether to buy myself a ticket now a new era has started... but your reminder of the prices has confirmed my original decision, particularly with no concessions. Not even sure I've got a big enough masochistic streak to go down the local pub to watch either..
  6. Well, at least with Songs of Praise you can join in singing with other people..
  7. That's the problem with a 7pm Sunday kick off; nor will I having to drive and not use public transport. The only good thing is playing in the afternoon and then still being able to get to the game. Knowing my luck the showers will be cold and there'll be a diversion on the M27: both ways..
  8. As I type Spurs still losing; we couldn't ask for a little knock to Son as well, could we? Edit..bugger
  9. Masochist! 🙂
  10. I'm in a pub just having seen the team and cackling somewhat hysterically. Part of that is due to the absence of any decent alternatives.. Is Wood quicker than Edwards as I reckon we'll need a mobile defence tonight. Lavia on their bench when he'd be a starter for us. Can't imagine why he ever left..
  11. You say that every time, didn't you predict 4-0 one of the recent games? Mind you, with all our absences that may well be the result this time, so as long as you don't say 'I told you so'..
  12. Depressing but at least I thought we put a few long balls out to the wings without trying to walk it through midfield. Think we're up on the corner count but we're crap at them too. Dibling hacked every time he gets the ball, they've recognised he's our only danger.
  13. Just having a bite to eat and then off down the pub. Haven't been optimistic before a game all season and tonight less than before, although I'm not going to be as negative as all the posters who forecast losing 4-0 before the Liverpool game. It's a Portsmouth area pub so at least we'll all be moaning about our respective teams and the banter shouldn't be that bad..
  14. Throw the whole bloody phone..
  15. No news on the OS and you'd think they might know..
  16. Normally I'd have a few drinks to take the edges off the stress of watching Saints but with no trains looks like I might drive: I don't smoke but what's the legal situation about combining beta blockers, a small spliff and a tranquiliser I can knick from aged parent's nursing home?
  17. Good balance there.
  18. How do they know you're Saints fans anyway? Too well dressed, or something? Reminds me of a friend of mine who got in to the Kop once. He's no wind up merchant and kept quiet, as you would.. Anyway, Saints scored but he kept quiet: the fans around him said 'don't worry wack, we knew you were from Southampton because of your decent shoes'...
  19. I was reading some BTL comments in a newspaper about Chris Wood and how at Forest they are playing him in a way that feeds his strengths, which perhaps never happened at Newcastle. Although I don't think TP is very good he certainly hasn't been helped by our tactics. Was it at Man City where he was at the back of the box, unmarked, waving for the ball in the sort of position that the keeper couldn't have come for it. Needless to say we recycled the ball.. There was a decent fast cross from AA on Saturday, which somebody just missed, but apart from Manning occasionally we don't really have anybody to put in the early curved cross that he would need if he were on the pitch.
  20. I hope that gets rescinded on appeal. Mind you, it does confirm my opinion that AY is a shit.
  21. Not bad at Onan 1sts either.. Like others I'm prepared to give him and a few other players the benefit of the doubt of our playing system being an issue. But his touch does seem poor..
  22. You laughed at The Producers, now laugh at The Manager..
  23. I had to think for a minute as to who MC was although I came to the conclusion that I _have_ seen him play. He actually ended up on the right in the last game, if I remember correctly, although wouldn't be surprised if I wasn't...
  24. You've forgotten the increase in liver disease and obesity due to fans self-dosing to get themselves through the games.. All those flasks you see the old guys carrying, they aren't tea you know..
  25. Don't laugh, Yorkshire Saint, it was when I was visiting a friend up Halifax way..
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