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Everything posted by suewhistle

  1. Well, me Dad came from Spike Island, Eastleigh, and me Mum from Nutbeem Road but I was born upt'North near Lunnon. I'm quite familiar with South Stoneham though, as I was in hall of residence there many years ago. My current reply is to say I'm from the south of England on the coast. Italians always then say 'Dover?', and it's only then I get more specific...
  2. Tell him something he doesn't know...
  3. Sod. I'll log off again....
  4. Oh for Ch***t sake, I've just logged on, what's happening!!:-)
  5. To think I was worried when the forum was soooo slow, I thought it was a system crash following a quick 2 Ipswich goals and multiple postings by our resident depressives team.... ;- )
  6. Red and white, surely? Come on you Pinot Noir and Chardonnay machine!!! PS. Is your lucky gf with you tonight?
  7. bloody eck, I wondered why the site was so slow and then I went to the OS - couldn't believe it! Pedigree time, or maybe a precious Adnams Broadside! yesss
  8. I shall play it on my tin whistle AND dance etc....
  9. I've got laptop problems so logged off at 1-0 and just rebooted with my heart in my mouth, pounding away. Now for the apperitivo and me getting a game and a goal tomorrow.... Whew...
  10. 9: Saints are awarded a penalty for a handball by Kennedy after Euell had worked hard to take the ball to the by-line. 10: GOAL 1-0 McGOLDRICK steps up and puts the ball into the far right hand corner sending Konstantopoulos the wrong way.
  11. wee.. I actually saw first on the OS!
  12. Fercrissakes be more specific, an early Saints goal!:-) Saints have falsely raised my hopes too many times to raise my optimism very high, but it's a better state to be in than the opposite. Last weekend was good with the win and my Italian footie debut, so it'll probably be a loss by Saints and me not even on the bench. I still hope for both though, and scoring in my home debut on Sunday. We'll see....
  13. I've never been a prolific poster but now I don't come here so much either. I take in the post-game thread, a quick perusal of any news and off again. I'm not exactly enamoured with what's going on at my club but the sheer unremitting negativity and reptitiveness of certain posters I find really draining. I've plenty of other things to do, including skiing on my doorstep and playing Italian ladies' football, which is a far more positive experience! I get to see a few games at the start of the season and at Christmas and am really hoping that next season I actually see a win! I didn't realise the reasons why Navyred disappeared.I always used to appreciate his contributions, so if anyone knows him please forward on my thanks, and let's hope one day he comes back.
  14. I played that a few times! What was also good to see was the other Saints player in the box waiting for any rebound off the keeper.
  15. I played that a few times! What was also good to see was the other Saints player in the box waiting for any rebound off the keeper.
  16. There's the nub, in fact it can make a whole weekend a bit down. The figures might vary a bit around the edges, I'm sure, as we reciprocate the feelings Lowe appears to have towards his customers, but visiting from abroad and not having seen a win for 2/3 seasons is getting to me too! Anyway, a Saints win and on Sunday my ladies team winning 3-0 away AND me debutting off the bench makes me feel great this Monday morning!
  17. suewhistle

    Jon Parkin

    Don't you mean 'bounce off him very easily'?
  18. I'll second that. All that remains is for me to come off the bench tomorrow to play for the first time in a competitive match for my Italian ladies team, and to score the winning goal with a classic English centre forward's header. Probably have to make do with a Saints home win though. :-))
  19. dunno about that, personally I'm hyperventilating....
  20. Bloomin 'eck. Just been doing some translation work and studiously ignoring depressing news from St Marys - but I had to peek.... Pleeease let us win, score more pleease... S*d it, I'll finish the work later....
  21. Well, this site is a lot quicker than Match Console!
  22. Do you have to be experienced to make a tackle? [sue asked innocently].
  23. Well, here in the Alps my team hasn't been able to play since just before Christmas: coincidentally just when my international clearance came through (this is amateur for-fun womens footie you understand!). Two weeks ago we arranged an internal friendly and by the end I had to chip and lob the ball to pass it as it was snowing and settling so heavily! As for being cold watching a footie match - there's no such thing. Wear your long johns, girlfriend's tights, base layer, fleeces, scarf, hat, gloves - no probs. You'll just get into a muck sweat in the pub afterwards.:-)
  24. Oh ********. I know we are in the poo, but to think some Hungarian side with poor crowds paying a few florints a time have more money than Saints is completely stupid. Mind you: I agree they've probably got lower costs. As for the player, I'm prepared to give him a chance. I remember us signing a centre back from Rotherham years ago (too much wine to remember his name atm) .. ah yes - Kevin Moore - but with the right team mates he did a good job and used his spring heels to good effect. if he is as bad as some say maybe better team mates will allow him to do his own job well. I'm crap but in a friendly at the weekend with a good midfield feeding me good passes I did well. A team is more (or less!) than the sum of its parts....
  25. I could try and broker a deal with my Italian women's side. We don't have to pay subs as we get funding from the regional administration..
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