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Everything posted by suewhistle

  1. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2009/jul/07/southampton-takeover-league-one sorry if this has been mentioned..
  2. Can we ask the guys at Hagiography Press (Duncan, Dave J, Dave B, Gary etc..) to send the guy a selection of their books so he'll realise just what a great back story this club has? Then he might realise what a responsibility he's taken on... Hop Schweiz!
  3. Hmm, not based on the games I've seen on my last few visits to the UK. Let's hope I'm luckier when [if?] we play Millwall. What I know of the Swiss is that don't spend their money freely...
  4. I suppose I've been lucky as due to a flat move and Italian telecomms inefficiency I've been bereft of contact with the outside world... so can anyone summarise what's happened since last Tuesday?! As I live half an hour from the border with Switzerland should I be off there tomorrow to do some research? It seems we are at least within sight of actually continuing in existence so do I disconnect for another week and hope the news will then be better. Oh gawd, this is excruciating.
  5. Christ! How much did you bid for the club?
  6. The bit I don't understand is that if Fry and his team have done a proper job there shouldn't be an issue over the availability of funds: over their disposition perhaps, but not the inherent ability of the backers to fund the purchase in some way.
  7. I'm beginning to feel slightly nauseous..
  8. That's unlike you to be so optimistic..
  9. Same here. As for the team, Stoke always used to get a load of stick, probably because all the merchant marine families from Northam remembered Captain Smith came from Stoke.
  10. Perhaps that's what's happening here, given the Catch-22 over the CVA.
  11. On the OS just now..... http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10280~1698411,00.html
  12. You are lucky!!
  13. I went out for an apperitivo at 13 pages o'clock and it's now up to 17, although at least the server hasn't crashed. Sod it, I'm powering down and off to drink a bottle of red, can't cope with the stress....
  14. As it happens I am moving house at the moment. Thankfully to another flat in the same block. Everything is in the new place except this laptop and my fridge. Waiting for techy guys and friendly muscle to do the final bits. Real pain as I keep having to come back here to update... doubly stressy!
  15. I second Chrisobee above, except that I still play but take a similar take it or leave it approach to watching. I certainly can't get interested in any Italian team. But I should be there for Millwall with renewed optimism, and let's hope there's a few others come out of the woodwork for that first game, as a nearly full house would be such a boost to everybody.
  16. I reckon 12.20 Think of all of us far flung Saints logging in at different times all over the world...Is that BST or GMT or UTC? (That's why I was always so crap at working out tide times and heights.)
  17. As long as they weren't cheap rubbish from DFS.
  18. Yeah, and probably not the type of British footballer physically abusing their body on the Saturday night lash. It really surprises me that footballers seem to be one of the few groups of professionals in sport that have a considerable element who behave this way. Now I like a drink, I'm a creaky old veteran playing low level women's football normally off the bench, but when my international clearance came through in the middle of last season I changed my Saturday night drinking habits (we play on Sunday). We could probably do with a few more players with his attitude. You get the impression that he'll improve and we all know the ones we don't think ever will...
  19. Yep, we've already had that suggestion... from me. Gawd, we're all getting twitchy, aren't we!
  20. Not if she's a Saints fan...
  21. It varies, I'm not over very often, but sometimes Shamrock Quay and I can pretend I own a Hallberg-Rassy, or I go the scenic beach route from St Denys: Junction, SWestern or The Dolphin, or if skint the Wetherspoons in London Road or... Anyway, I do a fair bit of catching up when I'm over. As much as I like the local red wine you can't beat a decent pint. The Guide Dog tends to be after, up to The Honest or Bent Brief, then... oh dear...
  22. Noooo, don't even joke about it! Perhaps they are selling a few assets to come up with some readies, and don't want to be seen as a forced seller...
  23. Whilst I agree with the general tone of the argument I must admit I haven't felt the need to start a new thread or even write long screeds about the process. But doing so does satisfy a need with some posters.
  24. Yeah, but the male West Ham fans are even uglier... There are some cute women in Brighton though!:-)
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