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Everything posted by suewhistle

  1. I like that even better than Dubaip's post. If he's crap i we won't get any money for him. If he's in demand perhaps some of the critics might like to weigh their credentials against football professionals who think he's worth spending money on. Either way, can we all please wait for some performances from a fully fit player, please, before commenting more, whether positively or negatively...
  2. Whoosh. Tone has just fallen of a cliff, but I did rather telegraph that pass...:-) Incidentally, in the Swiss press release I thought "how true"... the club has a modern stadium, good training possibilities and a first-class new generation department. It is guessed/advised without own being to blame for into the misery: “There were too many groups, among themselves fought each other.” Anyway, I can now scrub out the question mark alongside Millwall in my diary - not that /I/ didn't intend to make it, you understand!!
  3. Got to be done! But you're right about pacing oneself. My good news is that the locksmith finally came and opened up my cantina (key lost in circumstances it's best I don't fully relate involving a ride home from a vineyard down a very steep road..) so now I have access to Pedigree, Adnams, Fullers.. as well as some great local wine. I'm having a debauched month before I have to get into training for next footie season and as I'm an ultra-veteran it gets harder every year...
  4. I'm over from Italy for August seeing aged parent and friends around the country. Having friends in Leeds, Harrogate and Huddersfield I thought I'd try to make the Huddersfield game, any recommendations for pubs??
  5. Bloomin eck, I think I suggested an overseas Saints pint before/after the Millwall game, but I'm not sure that would be wise now! Not that I can't hold my drink... whoever says Italians don't get drunk is deeply wrong!:-) Didn't remember Budgie in goal for that game.. I just remember Colin Clarke setting Shearer up for the goals.
  6. We're taking a holistic approach to match day, besides we're so happy not to be on page 100 of takeover thread nn. Absolutely. Another idea would be to have (say 4 pint) plastic jugs poured so that groups of friends could pour their own - save time that way. PS Cornish Saint, you'll notice I suggested GFB instead of Summer Lightening... I know exactly what you mean!
  7. OMG - times are so hard the club even make him buy his own tracksuit - obvious innit.
  8. Perhaps they've been bugging somebodies mobile phone??
  9. Toblerone executives are also puzzled by a surge in UK sales.
  10. And if my manager reads this... you won't understand a word....pttthhh. Besides, I'll be good when pre-season training starts....
  11. I had a birra media of unpasteurised german beer in a local Italian bar tonight, which nicely settled the wine I had earlier (having just signed a new contract for a flat and not having had a drop yesterday to celebrate). Am now finishing a bottle of Splugen - Italian but reasonably hoppy - and blow me if i haven't got another one in the fridge!:-) P.S. DP, what time is it where you are?
  12. Bloomin heck, some of you are hard on young players. Some don't make the grade but I've seen enough players at the beginning of their careers who've had something and gone on do do good things: maybe not always at the same pace, but they've done it. Channon was quite slow to mature, you could see with Stevie Mills (RIP) immediately that he had something, the same with Bale and Walcott. Lallana is also a bit different, maybe not in the same class, but he has something about him. Give people a chance, folks, purlease..
  13. Oooh, yes please.. Obviously not a regular now, and I always used to turn up at the last minute from various hostelries - got my timing perfect apart from the occasional queue in the ladies - but there was nothing to get me to SMS early. Obviously they'd have to have limited supplies so as not to waste any, which would encourage speedy drinking - but I've been to pubs where they have barrels on chocks, or even springs to tip the barrels slowly - along with cold water jackets to keep the beer cool. It's maybe a little more effort - but with pubs if the landlord doesn't make an effort I don't drink there. I'd add Hopback to the suggestions above. Summer Lightening is good but maybe GFB as a football session beer. The guys I go with (with a little help from me) could make quite a few gallon inroads into a barrel without really trying. A great idea...
  14. At least 6 of the Swiss team have Georgian names, how odd!
  15. I'm with Chez on this one. Take a young player, playing out of position in a bad team at a club on a downward spiral and with a bad atmosphere and slate him when he doesn't perform as well as we know he might. Perhaps the new mood of optimism will rub off on him, and a few bigger crowds and better atmosphere might also help. As for Scheiderlin, he needs to play alongside a midfielder with bite, that's for sure, but he's got good vision and control and a great long pass. Only 19, but captaining a French national side and you don't do that without ability and potential. So yes, they both need to do better, but let Saints get the benefit of their development, and stop thinking that it'll be easy to replace them with anything better or with more potential.
  16. HA! I was wrong there too!
  17. OK mods, can you alter the SW to allow 'half suppressed/concealed laugh" into the list of permitted words. Just because a word contains another offensive one is not a reason, after all you allow S****horpe.
  18. Sod me, it edited out a word which is what Mutley used to do... OK then, I'll allow myself to indulge in a bit of schadenfreude...
  19. Having moved to Italy from a PO postcode I've had a bit of winding up from friends (not much as the Blue are indeed Few) so I'll allow myself a s******. Like Trousers et al. I wouldn't want them to fold though. Having a few local derbies as we pass in opposite directions would be nice.. let's at least have the rivalry on the pitch.
  20. Yeah, it's confusing. I live in Italy and still get caught out over 'Nicola' for a guy - same with 'Andrea' here, although at least the stress is different.
  21. As I've mentioned in other threads I'll be driving through Switzerland on my way from Italy for my August visit. I might get myself a Swiss flag as they're just the right shade of red and white... How many shall I get, any orders??? I'm also going to put the Saints sticker back in my car window. What a relief, thank goodness we still have a club..
  22. Perhaps someone on the OS has a sense of humour.. "Tired of pressing F5 on your computer? Then why not sign up to the official Saints FC text alerts"
  23. So it's a mass migration from the Alps then! Millwall and Brentford in the diary, and as I'm pootling around the UK visiting friends reckon on Huddersfield away, as well. Getting tickets for Swindon away may be a problem...
  24. Well, it's a bit a later out here in "sunny Italy, always on the vino, always on the spree " (ask you grandad if he was in the Eighth army...), but if all goes well tomorrow I'll put the Saints car stickers back in the rear window of my Italian reg car so that I can proudly show them when I drive through Switzerland for my summer visit to the UK. Maybe I'll even see a home win on my next trip! It'll be the first in about 4/5 visits! Any other overseas saints back for the Millwall game?
  25. Hasn't he left yet? Back to trousers' (?) point - yes, it bloody well is relevant if the club could have been sold in a tenth of the time. The whole point about the recent world financial crisis is that it has been engendered by systems that benefit the traders and not the customers.. there has been no no downsides to the rsiks the traders have taken, at least not for them. It's part of the whole unequal game. I don't mind people benefiting from taking risks, it's when there's no risk to THEM..
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