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Everything posted by suewhistle

  1. No. I've got lots of rechargeables..
  2. There are far worse things than radios for running out of batteries...
  3. It'll be interesting the crowd for the Ajax game as they've already sold 21k and are expecting more on the day (and set up to sell them quickly too!). That rather puts the Bristol crowd (
  4. Great lyrics, and great tune. I'm a para-musician (like the relationship of paramedics to medics!) but getting the Northam to get that rythym is going to be difficult.:-)
  5. Gray..
  6. ..Branfoot..
  7. Interesting to see that they've opened a couple of temporary ticket positions just for the walk-ups for the Ajax game... they seem on the ball and even better, expecting a biiigggg crowd. http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10280~1725386,00.html
  8. supporters
  9. Don't spoil the good feelings. Booked my ferry tickets yesterday! I'm even going to put my Saints stickers back in the car window (removed on a visit to P********h, and too depressed to replace) ready for my trip through Switzerland.
  10. £5 sent with online banking, but last August date in the reference, I'm sure you'll work it out!
  11. ..and he lost his kit when he had to change...
  12. At my location! Bit far for an away trip, I'd have thought. Anyway, although it's true I only said it to make DubaiPhil jealous. Aaah, Summer Lightning, TT Landlord...at my age I have to train like mad to keep the weight off, so it's just as well I don't visit the UK much!
  13. How about adapting a Swiss chant.. instead of 'Hopp Schwiiz' have 'Hopp Saints' - easy.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWEjqGxqJuM&feature=related
  14. Incidentally, I have some bottles of Fullers in my cellar here plus Adnams Broadside, ordinary, Pedigree...and I didn't understand Saint Fan Cam's comment either.
  15. Crikey, I didn't realise it was match day already... Looking forward to my visit to the UK and although I don't normally go in for lunchtime drinking I always make an exception for match days, and end up crashing on (into,over) peoples' sofas. Oh, and I think the answer is boh (accompanied by an Italian shrug of the shoulders).
  16. That's what I checked this thread for, good. As for whether we should be there, I'd leave that discussion to another place. I will say that I've taught English to Afghani refugees including women, and if we do withdraw I hope you all accept an increase in such refugees.
  17. B******s, that is so easy to say, just as it is easy for people in care to throw out accusations, especially when compensation is in view or they feel powerful for the first time in their lives. Sometimes you wonder why anyone would want to be a teacher, care worker, support staff etc. He was aquitted after a full and stressful investigation and court case. No wonder he couldn't do a decent job at the time, and in that respect both DJ and RL had my sympathies.
  18. I'd actually agree with chi saint about RL and KB, and that's saying something. I'll be in that neck of the woods soon for me holidays. I'm a former member of the Emsworth and Bosham Saints Fan Federation: I elected myself unopposed.:-)
  19. The 5 quid is in the post....
  20. Sorry if this has been posted, but I only just noticed this Guardian blog about Ken Bates and Leeds. A bit lengthy but fascinating all the dodgy dealings there are in football and it underlines how it could have been worse for us: http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/david-conn-inside-sport-blog/2009/jul/10/ken-bates-libel-trial-defeat-leeds-united-full-story
  21. Only 15 players training?? Sounds like Hampshire Ladies footie div 2, or mate's pub team! Don't they have a reserve team or er... a squad.??
  22. http://www.maison-des-drapeaux.com/drapeau-suisse-detail-5216.html
  23. I'm driving through Switzerland on my way to the Millwall game, so I'll see if I can't get one (or two or more?) and I presume they'll be a bit cheaper there as well. The question is.. what size??
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