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Everything posted by suewhistle

  1. Well, if he is we won't be surprised.
  2. Nah, only the rich ones, not us poor English teachers.
  3. Obviously not. I was just offering a desperate alternative...
  4. A poet notable for such classics as Jason and the Arguments, Earwig O and Dachsunds with Erections Can't climb stairs... (and many others)... EARWIG O (Les Barker) Little Mrs Earwig, she had a little son. She called the baby Earwig A, for he was number one. The second she called Earwig B. Earwig C came next. D and E soon followed, then F as you'd expect. G and H were subsequent. I and J came then. K, L and M were triplets, but who followed Earwig N? Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O. In the Insects league cup final, he gave the crowd a treat. He gave the stick insects some stick. Earwig O could not be beat-o. His first goal was a header, and his second sewed it up. His third made it a hat-trick. Epsom Earwigs won the cup! All the grasshoppers were chanting, all the spiders hand in hand in hand in hand in hand in hand in hand in hand, As they sung the Earwig anthem, and it echoed round the stand: Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O. Little Mrs Earwig, I wonder if you know That your fifteenth little offspring is the famous Earwig O? "Earwig O" they sing at Wembley, "Earwig O" at White Hart Lane, At the Oval, and Old Trafford, "Earwig O Wig O" again. "Earwig O" they chant at Chelsea, and the Royal Albert Hall. Some talk of Alexander Beetle, but the greatest of them all... Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O. Little Mrs Earwig, does it fill your heart with joy? When they sing about your son-o, do you whisper "That's my boy"? Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O. Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O, Earwig O.
  5. Gawd, early drinking and Les Barker have a lot to answer for! :-)
  6. .. access through South Stoneham House (know it well..was at SU), and rather big mullet in the stream as well. My cousins once caught a 9lb salmon in Monks brook up at Eastleigh many years ago. The things you learn on this board.... Anyway, it's a small, non-serious piece in The Guardian and some of you are taking it a bit too seriously.. as someone has pointed out it's all very tongue in cheek.
  7. Le cricket Francaise, ah oui, nous ont fait au lycee il ya un quarantaine des annees. ..and if you think I'm going to insert the accents you are very much mistaken....:-) Can I do Italian now, I'm much better at it!
  8. My feelings as well. Also if he did take on board the comment that he was one of the better players last year it will have given him food for thought.
  9. You tease, you! What difference will a few days make? A libel proceedings? :-)
  10. Well, it does say "You are watching Charlton Athletic Vs Southampton" but only buffering atm. Hope I have the right codecs.
  11. Can't watch Bet365 in Italy either.
  12. Nothing on myp2p, it would seem. If anybody finds anything.... ta. PS Fred, also no abusive language, except at the ref, of course.
  13. Maybe Murty has some fitness goals they've agreed and signing when he gets there; so many grams weight loss, declining body fat, better bleep test result. Does seem strange otherwise that he hasn't signed unless he's doing a "John".
  14. I'm on other boards run by vBulletin, i think it's soddin' American puritanism in the standard software and maybe too much of a hassle to edit. To use a well known kid's phrase "bums, tits, willies, farts"... It's interesting (back to footie) that both of the new appointments will also have responsibilities for scouting, which I recall AP saying was weak.
  15. I think the postponement of the Saints Forum is significant. Firstly they must be busy and secondly they realise that even their short term plans will still take a few weeks to sort out. Once a bit of dust has settled they'll be in a better position to give an idea of plans and their will be more to talk about following signings, first few games etc.
  16. Remember you can get group tickets if a number are travelling together but DYOR..
  17. 'but I thought you said he was too expensive...'
  18. It's not your ambition we've got any problems with, it's the assumption that just because we haven't signed anybody it means we don't have any. It's like taking an aspirin and expecting your headache to stop within a minute. Gawd knows what it'd be like to go to bed with you!:-) So: - who is staying from our existing players - identify players good enough, - can we afford them - will they fit the team - do they want to come here - do their clubs want to sell (if not free agents) - can they pass a medical and I'm sure others may think of other criteria which makes it slightly more difficult than shopping in Tesco.
  19. Reckon this from the OS is more important: http://www.saintsfc.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10280~1736877,00.html I have to be optimistic, maybe we'll get someone with a bit of pace....
  20. Verily, I am still in the southern regions and to my displeasure I declare I am not...
  21. Thee pub or the match?
  22. ..And I haven't seen a win for three years on my visits home....
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