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Everything posted by suewhistle

  1. I must be getting old; I identified most of those players including Jones although I didn't remember his first name..
  2. More like a big greasy fry-up!
  3. I'll take that URL to footie training tonight and ask my teammates at Friday training what they think.:-) Bit obvious, comes to mind! I reckon the refs here are quite the opposite... far too protective, but I would say that, wouldn't I.:-)
  4. He's probably worried about getting the wrong train on the South Coast line and having to change at Fratton.
  5. True, and we've done it in women's football too, where you stand in the centre circle thinking "thank christ I wasn't a bloke in 1914". I must admit it's strange that noobody knows exactly why we were wearing the black arm-bands, and maybe that's a bigger issue than the fact itself.
  6. Well.... I have my own opinions, and have, occasionally, made my views known for particular points - and even believe certain posters are incorrigibly stuck in positions that are less than helpful, but..... guys... let's _all_ be positive..
  7. "too many" for goodness sake, "too many"..... :-)
  8. PM? As an ex-Emsworth resident this is exactly what we expect from RC residents! How is The Castle these days, anyway?
  9. Ah, the Maidenhead United chant.... "We hate Slough and Slough Town, we hate Slough and Slough l we hate Slough and Slough Town, Slough Town we hate you, dum dum dum,!" .... To the tune of "Land of Hope and Glory" Any of you who have read Nick Hornby will understand...
  10. Either way happy people (well, saints fans) all over the world and a bit of extra advertising for the Bristol Rope Company!
  11. No longer can I pretend to catch up on the housework whilst sitting at the laptop. Actually there's only me to please and I have fairly low standards but even I have to admit my flat is a tip at the moment.
  12. Well, that was good of them to wait until I got back from footie training to provide me with 5 goals and a Saints win. Time for a shower and to quarantine the sweaty sports bra.:-)
  13. Just in from footie training - no shower - but have P2P feed - how are we playing?
  14. Interesting, I checked earlier in the week and it wasn't there, but it's a fairly reliable site. I'll have to leave footie training in a hurry to catch the second half. My record on watching Saints both live and via the net has not been good in the last few years....
  15. St Stephen is also the day for going Wren hunting, although I shall make do with coming over for the Exeter match, although it means I'm going to have to hire a car.... unless anybody is going to the match from Maidenhead, Berks??
  16. It's not listed on MyP2P.eu which I find pretty reliable.
  17. I'm all for the rehabilitation of offenders but not by my club, I would hope. Not only did he sexually assault the woman but, when asked to stop hit her _hard_ on the nose. Reports say she is small and slightly built.. it really beggars belief. I've never hit anyone in my life or been booked at hockey/footie, but I'd be tempted to do a two-footed tackle with my 75 kilos on his cruciates.
  18. I remember that that too, and when he came to us he'd never played at such a high level, but didn't look out of place. Wasn't he also a member of the 92 club... as a player!
  19. Well, I feared the worst before the game - usual Saints failings coming into play. Just got back from a winery trip: I thought I'd been taking it easy, but then had some cask samples of the new vintage (red and white!) that tasted like fruit juice. The winemaker only told me afterwards that they were 14% already. But hey, I'm home safely and out to celebrate our recovery!
  20. Tell me about it! I've visited the UK every Christmas since I moved away. Hopefully this year I'll see a win!
  21. Back to Atticus Finch... cheers Mush, you saved me a lot of effort I don't think I could really have been arfsed to answer, beyond saying "no, it wouldn't have happened in the US, they'd all have shot each other a long time before!". I've been in inner City US, many years ago, and more **** scared than I've ever been in the UK. Frankly I'd be more scared in US suburbs (been there too) as well, especially with nutters like Saint George around!
  22. I tried, honest...
  23. Ta Redwillie! I could google or wiki but Saintweb is more efficient!
  24. ¬Who the 'eck is Tiff Needell anyway? Besides, if we carry on like this you might see me cancelling a few lessons, making myself unavailable for Sunday football and making the play-offs!! Alps rule!:-)
  25. I bet he's chuffed to bits! I live in Italy where the idea of 20K+ for a 3rd division game is inconceivable (and for some 1st division games too - think Pompey...). Now I know he's not a football person, but if he was there today I reckon he must have been impressed. I can only go on second-hand reports, but sounds like it was a good atmosphere, and, more importantly, what are the odds on a better crowd for the next home game (let alone for 3000+ for Orient)? Perhaps ML should go to an away game as well! I notice on another thread that Al-shukrun or Al-khol or whatever his name was is interested in "any proposed redevelopment of the stadium for the city's [ie: pompey's] 2018 World Cup bid." What are the odds we might have a better chance?
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