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Everything posted by suewhistle

  1. get me out of this space time continuuuum
  2. I thought they were all seedy in Dubai.. just rich seedy...
  3. That's what's worrying me.
  4. After Aalborg Akavit so is my English!
  5. OI you! Mind you, the kids in my team tend to get offside more, but maybe that's because they're a bit faster..
  6. school girl s&&&&&&& are more fun....
  7. fuorigioco fuorigioco fuorigioco fuorigioco fuorigioco fuorigioco fuorigioco fuorigioco fuorigioco fuorigioco fuorigioco
  8. ..and staying there
  9. Ta, it's the thought that counts! Sometimes on some boards if I've written a lot I copy before sending in case there's a problem..been on the 'net maaany years...
  10. any general impressions dear listeners?
  11. Just served myself a second portion.. hope it works..
  12. Nah, I use panettone - lovely, and light...
  13. I shall go and eat some bread and butter pudding: that should do it..
  14. Thanks EoA, it's a bit quiet on here tonight, and at SMS too, by the sound of things.
  15. My vote is to see them win! Haven't seen them win in over 3 years now, since I moved here and my visits home at the start of the season and at Christmas have been disastrous.
  16. Well, if they had a nice pint of Summer Lightning or Cheriton Pots I might understand, but I really can't remember when|I last had refreshments at st Ms.
  17. You _will_!!
  18. Bit optimistic after that pig-out!
  19. Both sopcast and tvants haven't been working but I suspect it's more a problem here: just had a bried glimpse of what looked like Waigo walking back after a goal.... and Saintsweb confirmed it for me. I'm going to close everything except p2p down again but I'll no doubt be back for actual information....
  20. nope. normally sopcast is reliable for games I'm not really interested in...
  21. Aha, a sopcast thread (amongst others): good, they're normally pretty reliable.
  22. Great stuff Tim, good photo and great to see Ron's smile. I _would_ recognise him in the street. We've got to get him over just so we can all do the old fart's thing... nudge nudge to the youngsters - "Bl***y hell, do you know who that is, it's Ron Davies!"
  23. Thanks Phil.. an even more interesting and lengthy reply than I expected and it sounds like you were getting something off your chest! Never been there but even from the little bits I saw in the press it wasn't a place I would have put any money (or at least not for very long!). So I won't look for an English teaching gig there then... besides Italy's a nice place to live even if I'll never be vulgarly loaded.:-)
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