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Everything posted by suewhistle

  1. Yes, I wouldn't get one if you can't get a charger at your flat or bedsit, but for many people the infrastructure near you is a bit pointless if you charge at home overnight. Currently I pay 7.5p a kWh for 6 hours overnight which give me more than I need. Currently doing around 4 miles per kWh including hacking up and down the M27. The only time I've needed to charge away from home (apart from testing) was when I went to see Saints at Sheffield, in my MG4 with no problems. Luckily I had to stop for a wee (and so charged as well) earlier than planned which was just as well as the M1 (along with my planned stop) was completely shut due to an accident . Ignore any articles by Mail or Express 'journalists' on the subject: they are just trying to show that they are too stupid to own an electric car. As for charging in France, there has been a dramatic expansion in charger availability in the last year, particularly on and just off the autoroutes, which I've noticed in doing my own trip planning. I wouldn't worry there or in NL and Germany etc. I see the usual misinformation here you get on any thread about EVs. If you don't want one, don't get one, but spare us all the tabloid guff.
  2. I might swear at this computer, or the slugs in my vegetable patch but I'd never swear at another person. I do allow myself a "oh for goodness sake, Armstrong!", other examples may apply.. I can't help the deep sighs and groans that have been so common recently, but do try and cheer decent play, and think many fans understand that's a better approach if you want to improve performances. Nobody is going to risk a defence splitting pass forward if they think they are going to be vilified if it goes wrong. In any sport tenseness impacts your performance. It wasn't just a question of lack of effort or organisation on Friday, although that was there to a degree, but some hospital passes gave them two goals, and the opening was horrific and fascinating in it's inexorable inevitability. There's no point trying to draw the opposition players forward if we're so awful at breaking the press. I don't want to see hoof ball but at the moment it's 'after you, Claude'.. I don't mind flukey wins, I'll even take a bounce off of Adam's knee at the moment; his left knee of course, to make it even more unlikely.
  3. My last post today.. Perhaps not to blame for the goals, but why he has confidence in that defence and still passes short to them putting them under pressure I do not know...
  4. I have no idea how good Leicester are as we gave them all their goals. I know that we are crap mind.. Only good news is that I left a few minutes early and just made the train home..
  5. Well, at least it isn't raining like the last Friday game against Leicester, when I stayed to the end and had a miserable wet train journey home. Next to the Itchen on the train. Being so early I'd better do some shopping before the pre-match pub!
  6. I think if you review that first goal at Sunderland Edozie did get back to cover and slow their left winger down: the issue was the ball being moved across to their right and then when it came back in he had lost concentration and lost his man. It wasn't that we were relying on Manning to get back to do the initial covering: nobody thinks he has the speed to do that, but the player allocated the task who was fast enough didn't see the job through. His reaction shows that well enough. The issue of who takes corners and should they is a bit of a red herring when the obviously tasked player, chosen for his speed presumably, makes an individual mistake.
  7. :-).. Yeah, good point, and I can score with my left foot if I need to!
  8. Coming from you I suspect he's taking that as a compliment.. Charm personified, as ever..
  9. Well, I played in goal today in the lower reaches of the grassroots game and had a few 1 on 1s. You should have come out, you should have stayed back... thanks for the advice grlls! My coach said I played well but I've asked for more practice in that area, but when all is said and done I'd rather be playing up front! Make a mistake there and it's not commented on so much... And not on topic at all, there are now 6 divisions in the Hampshire Women's Leagues which pleases me no end..
  10. That's really classy, logging on to an opposition fan's board and then proceeding to show that they can use cut and paste, although typing, punctuation, spelling and syntax are all a bit lacking. I actually watched it in my local pub with an ex-Sunderland player, but fortunately he is polite and intelligent, even if he did take the mickey a bit.
  11. The first one I was actually thinking at the time that Edozie had made a good run back to defend the break. It then went over to their right and then back again and Edozie had switched off and left the player unmarked, yards away in fact. His head in his hands attitude showed he'd realised his error. Other goals were also conceded by egregiously bad defending, to the extent that I have to think this will be a useful lesson at the start of the campaign with a completely new team rather than the disaster it would be in the run in. Whilst I'm worried I'm not surprised at some of the overreactions on here, some posters have form. Having been a die hard to the end against Leicester on a soaking wet Friday night I really don't want to experience that again, and I don't think I will.
  12. I'm going to waste one of my three posts... **** me! Subs at half time I'd imagine. Hopefully Holgate..
  13. Hhave we spent our war chest?
  14. A decent Burgundy, I hope. 2016 (qv) is a very good vintage! Anyway, as I said this morning when I baselined page 319, I wouldn't be able to stay. I've no idea what really happened in the intervening 42 pages so I'll check the OS in the morning. Night all..
  15. A quick visit for my post 1/3 of the day and to get a baseline - page 319, no arrivals or departures confirmed. Fortunately I'm busy today, so I'll pop back at prosecco o'clock or maybe even a Quob sparkler to see where we are. Decent?! Let us be the judge of that! 😉 I don't often have Burgundy and often disappointed. But can't beat mulling over the battle of Waterloo with a decent Beaune.. Back later. Have fun.
  16. ..number of people who liked his post. You can post (within limits) what you like, and the rest of us can think what we like.. Anyway, that's my three for the day, although this last one is no doubt a waste of time.
  17. I thought it was because they'd cut your tree down?
  18. Snap. Just about to say that having seen a few bits of video I'd agree with this. A sharp poacher who knows where the goal is, and Mara, from the showing the other day has a physicality which Ballard doesn't have yet. I'd like to see him come on when we are comfortably winning, but as that hasn't happened recently you can see why the manager hasn't risked him yet.
  19. I've just had a look and it's on Sky so down the pub it is. There's an ex-Sunderland player there who watches the football so it should be on!
  20. It was Bednarek who stepped up. For a team in transition with so many new players it was a satisfying win and I genuinely can't remember when I last saw a league win at home. There is plenty of scope for improvement and I expect to see it. There are deficiencies - Manning's lack of pace, for example, but what a lovely pass for the first goal. Alcaraz obviously didn't have a good game, but there was no lack of effort so I'm putting it down to lack of sharpness on coming back from injury. Good to see SAA starting and although he didn't make too much of an impact he's got his starting debut out the way and now knows what it's all about. Still think coming off the bench will be better with tiring full backs cursing under their breath.. Similarly with Edozie scoring, a bit of a weight off his back. Talking of weight, Downes will probably be feeling even better next week when his digestive system stops grumbling. If Frazer keeps up his commitment and midfielders pick out more of his runs we may be pleasantly surprised. Quite a number of issues to resolve: will KWP stay, what's happening with Che (or his replacement), will ABK and Sulemanna be staying? But at least we are up there in the table and that wasn't expected by everybody.
  21. Weather latest (I have no team news): sat outside a pub. Seats are wet but sun is out. Self medicating a pint of bitter.. (one for the regulars..). Walked past a bookies as a Saints fan came out. Asked him jokingly if he'd bet for a win or a loss. 'Win, of course' was the reply. Obviously not a Saintsweb poster..
  22. Self medicate? You obviously have a very unhealthy relationship with alcohol, or cheese.. I have a very healthy relationship with this forum, being limited to 3 posts a day. Never changed my name here either.. Night all..
  23. Bloomin 'eck. This is an interesting thread for the psychologists although it contains very little information about actual football. I've got some HRT gel spare which might help some of you to calm down and get a bit more relaxed and zen and take the edge off your testosterone rages and forum points scoring.. Alternatively I've a very nice Puglian red and Taleggio and cheddar cheese in front of me, some of which I'll leave for when I get back from the match tomorrow. I very much hope we win and will be cheering on the team: I can recommend this, it's much more cathartic out in the fresh air with a crowd than sat pounding a keyboard on your own..
  24. Um... Have you got a sister?
  25. ****!
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