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Everything posted by Andyb1

  1. I think its fine..
  2. Agreed.. For those who can't get the Echo we will always be a few days behind when that is the only source...
  3. I think you sum up your post with your first word, APPARENTLY.
  4. just to note, you are the only one moaning, good call on boro. They are in the championship though.
  5. Sorry i agree he probably should have gone but his record was FAR from the worst in history. More like the equal of the much loved pearson...
  6. it was at Villa, be fair
  7. After the last few months i think being ITK should be banned.
  8. Sorry i hadn't heard that. He'll still be missed and will be a very good player somewhere IMO
  9. Settle down... If he wants to leave let him go, if not then he'll always be an asset. Has there actually been anything official to say he wants out?
  10. It obvioulsy means you didn't gain permission..
  11. chatting about the new owner on talk sport atm
  12. 5pm news was a rehash of what we already know
  13. Keep listening then. For some reason they talk about the saints stuff in the news bit and the pompy stuff in the sports bit..
  14. As a Southampton fan. Possibly where he should have been all along?
  15. solent, all done. funds might not be in plcae till 2moz AM
  16. No those that had a part in nearly sending the club out of existance will not have a discount.. Fair..
  17. ill no for NOT TODAY
  18. Enjoyed that... lol
  19. wake up, we're in league ONE.... If a team from a higher div comes in then players will leave. End of story.. Its not Wootes bloody fault. Whats wrong with u?
  20. No basically no one knows. Why is it everyone has the been to slag EVERYTHING off. Its a horrible trait of this site.
  21. Why the BOLD?
  22. I don't Rupert did anything wrong on this occassion. I'm sure he "wanted" normality. But the facts are he was up on charges against children. You cant possibly remain working as a premier league manager in those circumstances.
  23. I got a yellow card for putting "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" after one of TL's messages. To be fair i was right on the money... He deserves one, i'm bored of windups..
  24. Andyb1


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