Don't suppose anyone is driving down from London for the game 2moz are they? If so i'd be interested in going/sharing petrol etc.
Any one interested let me know please as the train is 30 notes return
For the love of god please do. Or start a thread on a forum somewhere about speeding
Now anything on the football from anyone?
There isn't really anything interesting going on is there. Hense this crap all being rehashed again and again.
I started one this week when i heard some news... This is OLD news...
It said on the skysports ticker this morning that he ahd picked up an ankle injury? Whats the details?
Sorry if it somewhere else on the site but I couldn't see it.
No it wasn't. You just had to try a little bit as opposed to playing 442 and winning every week. I managed to get saints to the Champions league and 3 2nd place finishes in the prem(no wins though) inside the 6 seasons.