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Everything posted by Andyb1

  1. as far as i know yes..
  2. I looked at who wrote it and didn't bother.
  3. yes please do **** off
  4. yes of course we were always going to loose today.... Sorry why was that exacty? you = idiot
  5. your a *****. Why o why does loosing mean they got ****y?
  6. Harsh, Drew was as much to blame for what happened last season as any other player. He was poor and as far as I'm concerned hasn't anything to justify your claim that he has the ability to perform at a "higher Level". Ps, they are TOTALLY different players so what's the point comparing?
  7. They did loose at home to Yoevil yesterday...
  8. http://www.mkdonsforum.org/viewforum.php?f=9
  9. not when his contract is up they wouldnt
  10. lol sorry xbox.
  11. Anyone fancy playing in one? If so let me know who you would like to be and ill get it set up asap. I'll start it off: Me - Arsenal
  12. Want a bet?
  13. as it says on the tin
  14. anywhere above the relegation places.... probably 14th-20th somewhere.
  15. http://www.portsmouthfc.co.uk/index.php?cms_ref=home&goto=news&qs_article_id=2940 Oh dear oh dear
  16. I for one don't want Portsmouth to go bust. I don't take any joy in seeing them go through what we have. I would like them to be down with us though(preferably below). It was much more interesting when we were playing them at football as opposed to bickering over who was going to go out of business first.
  17. I remember going to see that Derby game, it was horrid. That was the one where Jones was hanging on his bar when as the ball just dropped in.
  18. I'm tired, does that count? Tired of being ****
  19. How do you know you fit the bill? Says it all that you instantly assume it's aimed at you really doesn't it.
  20. could i be more bored of this?
  21. Neither can you it seems.
  22. A) THIS IS THE JUST BACK FROM THE GAME THREAD. To hear peoples opinions on the game thay have just returned from. Not the "Is it right to speed home from a game of football or infact at any other time/do you have any points on your licence? If so i'm a better driver than you becuase i dont" thread. B) I was asking for a lift to the SAINTS game tonight. So it is correctly titled thanks. If i had put "build up to tonights game" "Tonights Team" then i wouldn't have the correct title. Thanks
  23. You are still talking about though.... Why can't the admins remove this conversation? Its blatently not saints related is it.
  24. All we need now is a car, do you have one?
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