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Jesus Reigned

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Everything posted by Jesus Reigned

  1. Something must have been lost in translation I think, or they were Carlisle fans; what reason would any Saints fan have to cheer him?!
  2. I was booing Mawhinney when his name was announced during the pre-match meet and greet, as were the people with me in block 248; if Cortese happened to be on the big screen at the same time it may have sounded like some were booing him when they weren't.
  3. All week I was getting more and more concerned about not being able to get on the 6.55 from Central. Got there at about 6.25 and there were already loads of people there; my group moved to the front of the platform where the crowds weren't so deep, bit of a bundle when the train turned up but we all got on and got seats. By the time the train set off there were people stood in all the aisles and never any chance of anyone else getting on en route to Wembley. I had mates who were wanting to get on at Parkway who got on the 7.55 from Central instead. I knew it would be extremely busy so can't understand why people would have gone to Parkway or Eastleigh if they could have got to Central.
  4. TBF I think that most non-corporates will be wearing shoes and trousers too.
  5. Not sure about that; I'm sure someone else said previously that you could get 1500 on each train at a push? Also I think the next train out of Central after the 6.55 is the 7.55, then the 8.25?
  6. Being the fanny that I am, I'm actually starting to get somewhat concerned that I won't get on the 6.55 as planned. Does anyone really think that it's possible that there'll be more people wanting to get the 6.55 than can actually get on?! We should be up there for 6.25ish, then I plan to stand on the platform for half an hour until the train turns up, although knowing my luck I'll be stood between doors and get caught in the scrum.......!!
  7. That's the one!
  8. I thought Craig David came from Leeds?
  9. Fair comment I guess!
  10. You do know that all 4 of you need to travel at the same time for the tickets to be valid though don't you?
  11. I just thought that the police might be a bit funny about it given that there'll be so many of us going there on the train; didn't want to buy a load of beers only to get them taken off me at the station!!
  12. I'm planning to get the 6.55 and am hoping there isn't a stampede. 4 of us have to get there from Woolston and it's too early for the buses, so we're going to book a cab for about a 6am pick up I guess. I won't sleep on Saturday now as I'll be worried about the cab not turning up!! By the way. does anyone think there'll be any probs with taking beer on the train?
  13. Glad to hear that colours are allowed in the non-prawn sandwich Club Wembley seats. I'm in Block 248 so my mate tells me, with the rest of "my lot" in the heavens in Block 501.
  14. The Fonte pen looked like a trip to me, and the guy who conceded didn't exactly go off on one did he; says it all so far as I'm concerned.
  15. I like the sound of the gourmet pies more if I'm honest. And as has been pointed out many times before, £209 is not really "free" is it?!
  16. Just got back from my mate's and thankfully our tickets have now arrived; I can now relax. And I used his toilet and left the seat up so that should annoy his wife.
  17. Great third goal. Plus I've just noticed that Rickie sounds EXACTLY the same as the comedian John Bishop!!
  18. Beat me to it; his "punishment" for last week's shambles was to officiate in the Premiership today. What a joke.
  19. I for one am certainly not panicking; I'm just a bit aggrieved about the totally haphazard way the tickets seem to have been issued and the personal inconvenience it's causing. Why should some people get their tickets more than a week before others?!
  20. My season ticket holder mate's 6 tickets ordered on day 1 still didn't turn up today. He's on holiday from Monday til Friday so I now have to waste my lunch hour on Monday and probably Tuesday to walk from Whiteley to his house in Titchfield to see if they've arrived! What a pain in the arse!!!
  21. The article claims to quote Cortese but I can't imagine he'd use the word "fiver".
  22. Anyone who's got spare tickets must know Saints fans who haven't got one, so to try to make a profit rather than passing them on at cost is out of order if you ask me; they get what they deserve.
  23. My season ticket holder mate's 8 tickets haven't arrived yet; he ordered them on day 1. Wouldn't normally be too bothered but he's off on holiday next week, so his old man will have to go round every day to see if they've been delivered if they don't turn up tomorrow. Plus he lives in a "PO" postcode (Titchfield Park), so I'm slightly concerned that his potentially P*mpey supporting postie has done something with them.....
  24. Gloating on two separate threads I see! So would I to be fair.
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