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Jesus Reigned

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Everything posted by Jesus Reigned

  1. That'll be a no then. Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  2. I don't think anyone was of that opinion in 2005, but why let the facts get in the way of a good line? Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  3. I couldn't agree more; the only way any keeper saves that is if they get lucky and it hits them. I'm not Forster's biggest fan by any stretch of the imagination but anyone who thinks he "should" have saved Zlatan's header is a moron.
  4. This; I seem to remember there being a Panorama-type programme which detailed the allegations (which contained interviews with various Youth team players), but don't remember anything coming of it?
  5. The other thing to bear in mind with Tadic is that he's got enough technical ability to potentially be able to change his mind on where he's going to put it, if the keeper moves early. If the keeper moves early you don't have to smack it or put it right in the corner, you can just put in anywhere in the two-thirds of the goal that the keeper isn't covering. Therefore it doesn't have to be right in the corner to be a good penalty.
  6. Just seen the penalty save; if you think that's a bad penalty then you're extremely hard to please. Personally I'd say it's a brilliant save from the keeper; full stretch with the ball hardly off the ground. And the accompanying article that went with the footage said it was Tadic's first penalty miss in thirteen attempts (and it remains his only miss for us out of maybe five he's taken off the top of my head), so yes he's clearly a rubbish penalty taker.
  7. Austin comes across as such an arrogant pr!ck to me, and the penalty incident summed him up nicely. Clearly Tadic is the designated penalty taker and I've have been peed off in his position too. And what was Austin cupping his ears to the crowd after he scored both goals all about aswell? For those slagging off Tadic's one and only penalty miss (against Burnley), if memory serves me right it was a blinding save from Heaton?
  8. As I said on another thread, even a broken clock is right twice a day; I think fruit cake is being extremely polite. Sent from my GT-I8200N using Tapatalk
  9. Just seen this after I posted my comment! Sent from my GT-I8200N using Tapatalk
  10. Even a broken clock's right twice a day. Sent from my GT-I8200N using Tapatalk
  11. It's easy to forget what a good counter attacking team we could be under Poch until you see his goal against Newcastle away. He really is a great all-round striker; can pretty much do everything.
  12. Oh ok thanks; glad that one's been cleared up.
  13. The two that were missed by McGoldrick and Wotton in the 3-0 home defeat to Watford stick in the mind!
  14. I had some banter on Facebook yesterday about Tadic and his penalty taking. Why do you think he takes them; could it be because he's considered to be the best man for the job? He's taken three penalties and scored two of them; against Arsenal he waited for the keeper to commit and then rolled it the other direction, against Burnley it was well struck but the keeper made a good save and yesterday Courtois dived and almost got lucky by saving it with his feet. I'd say a decent conversation rate for a regular penality taker is in the region of eight out of ten; Tadic has two out of three so is in the same ball-park. He also used to take them for Twente, although I've not been able to find his conversation rate; however I'd imagine it was pretty decent for Koeman to entrust him with them, especially as he missed his last one. Perhaps let's all reserve judgement on him being a carp penalty taker until he's taken a few more eh?!
  15. I agree that the lemon puffs and orange chocolate digestives do pose storage issues, and there is indeed something quite wrong with a plain dark chocolate digestive being 'tainted' with a non-original citrus flavour. If I had my time again I'd actually swap orange chocolate digestives for Happy Faces on my list, but I should have thought that through a bit more so it's my own fault really. For anyone who's wondering or actually cares, the Jesus part of my name is a reference to Alex Ostlund; no religious connotations as such!
  16. 1. Jam creams 2. Lemon puffs 3. Chocolate hobnobs 4. Dark chocolate digestives 5. Orange chocolate digestives. I thank you.
  17. I've been a car driver for nearly 25 years and cycle 7 miles each way to Whiteley every day, so feel I can give a reasonably balanced view on the whole 'cars-v-bikes' issue. One observation as a cyclist is that if I'm aware of a motorist driving aggresively/impatiently/too fast/too close, etc, about 7 times out of 10 they'll be driving either an Audi or a BMW. It also drives me mad to see certain cyclists go flying past me or squeezing infront of me when I'm sat on my bike at a red traffic light. There are also plenty of cyclists who not only fail to wear a helmet/suitable clothing or display any lights, but also probably go out of their way to make themselves as invisible as possible by wearing black from head to toe and not even having reflectors fitted to their bikes (which surely come as standard on all bikes?!). On the flip side is does irritate me how some cyclists feel the need to have a full-blown miner's light attached to either their helmet or the front of their bike, which only succeeds in blinding everyone (be they driver, cylist or pedestrian) who has the misfortune to be heading towards them. As you can imagine, I spend most of my cycle to and from work every day cursing.
  18. For someone who's used this website for 8 years you don't know the protaganists very well do you?!
  19. I wonder if the bloke who wrote the Sky article was called 'Master' at school?
  20. You can imagine how disappointed I was when I realised this thread wasn't about Natalie Sawyer.......
  21. Tadic's pass for Cork's goal on Saturday was sublime; superb vision. And I'm also very happy to have him in my Dream Team..
  22. Without doubt the goal should go to Pelle; the fact that he also happens to be in my Dream Team is a complete coincidence.......
  23. Excellent; thanks for that!
  24. It'll only be a one game ban for two yellows I think? If so Bony can count himself very lucky.
  25. What footy streaming sites would people generally recommend?
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