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Patrick Bateman

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Everything posted by Patrick Bateman

  1. Doesn't matter what the ECJ say is legal or not in this country. If a UK court has made a ruling post Brexit, it takes precedence over what the ECJ say ... so unlucky Liverpool, Man United etc. Fact to back up the statement I made: https://www.supremecourt.uk/faqs.html#:~:text=The relationship between the UK,11pm on 31 December 2020.
  2. Fucking hell. This club is useless.
  3. No.
  4. Much better to watch, I really enjoyed that today, it was a bit more mixed up with plenty of the patient build up play mixed in with some incisive passes and running. Very nice. Bree is a much better full back than Manning for the players we have in front of him and Aribo has been a pleasant surprise recently too. More of that please!
  5. He was decent again today, I like that he has a little physicality about him to muscle others off the ball.
  6. Completely agree. Commercially the club is awful. How they can be out of stock of some of the kids strips before Christmas is beyond me. Money sitting on table, yet they don't have stock.
  7. He was so bad. What did Bree do wrong??
  8. That was dreadful
  9. That made me laugh. I only agree on the basis of the screeching, it does get too much and often the push to include all others means we get worse pundits. I mean bad pronunciation is now prevalent across TV, it is appalling how many people can't speak properly; I don't mean regional accents, I just mean speaking badly with any accent, using the wrong verbs / tenses, the fact that nearly all pundits speak with a glottal stop and the dropping of the letter 'g' at the end of words. I don't know why people can't speak properly anymore? Anyway ... yes, the screeching of female pundits does my head. But then you have superb female sports presenters like Hazel Irvine making the snooker a pleasure, Gabby Logan, Claire Balding and Sue Barker (although retired). But they are probably considered "old school" now as they don't screech and they speak properly.
  10. Especially if he's still being played aged 45
  11. So he's right, it is over 100 years. 2023 - 1921 is 102 years, or am I missing something?
  12. Seconded. In true fickle football fan fashion of course!
  13. I prefer the authenticity of this league. Obviously we want to watch the best players we can get and need money to do that and I think we all enjoy the odd occasions where we give the "big clubs" a shock. But the teams, the players, no bloody VAR! But yes, I want to be promoted still - football is completely hypocritical.
  14. Thank you
  15. 90+ min winner, clean sheet ... that'll do!
  16. Absolutely, 100% this. I posted earlier about the dicking about, but it's so true - we look like we're going to break and counter, but stop. Pass. Pass. Pass again. By then, the opposition know they have time to get all 11 men back and then nothing happens apart from the insipid passing from one side of the pitch to the other, via 4 or 5 players, only to be in the same situation on the other side. It is slow, ponderous and insipid. I don't mind possession based football as it happens, it can work well, look pretty - Pochettino's Saints did it well enough, although the "get it forward" brigade hated him too. But what pisses me off is the lack of ability to finish off a counter attack without a sideways or backwards pass. I think there were a couple of times today when exactly that happened - a break, ooooo, edge of your seat, something might happen. Stop, pass sideways. Fuck off. (All I want is to mix it up a bit - it shouldn't be solely about possession, sometimes, let a break happen and the players should be encouraged to pour forward to support, just sometimes)
  17. That was quick!!
  18. Boring. Slow. Ponderous. Error prone. No finishing. Dicking around in front of their defence. Poor crossing. Weak tackling. Team of 'nice boys'. Preston deserved to win that one.
  19. Cazoo is shit. Multiple experience, shit.
  20. I now want to go to Hull for the weekend just to go there ... and probably ruin my memories with the new era of helmets I'd no doubt find haha
  21. Funnily enough I looked that up ... yes, it is!! What a place, what nights had there! Great memories 96-98!
  22. That's a fake advert created by the Irish Garda to attempt to tackle drink driving by showing that it's got tighter or something. Either way, it's not genuine.
  23. I agree - this team looks good when they counter and break quickly ... before realising they'll get told off and turn round to pass it back ... sigh ...
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