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Patrick Bateman

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Everything posted by Patrick Bateman

  1. My son wanted the new Bayern strip with Musiala on for his birthday. Ordered from Bayern directly on Monday, here today - amazing service. But anyway what struck me were the sponsor logos, they (Allianz and T-Mobile) are both completely black and blend into the strip really well. It actually looks good. Why can't we do that? Looks so much better than a weirdly coloured block of plastic stuck on.
  2. OOoooo Russell went to Holland, to buy some tulip flowers Instead he bought a right back, his name was Sugawara He hates pompey he hates pompey clap clap clap
  3. They are all completely over designed to echo what Franniestache was saying. For me, I'd go with the bottom one, but with 'Southampton' at the top and '1885' on its own underneath the crests. Much more simple. I mean if you want to add another layer, change the crests to red and have the middle lane as a white stripe. And cut out the silly fonts ...
  4. And in the euros when a sub is made ... "player IN" and "player OUT". In and out? It's not ring-a-ring o' roses FFS! OFF and ON. Off the pitch and on the pitch. ARGH.
  5. "round of 16" When the hell has that become a thing?
  6. Massive clown. Yes, let's make it even less competitive and even less likely for someone to win, like Leicester. Moron. At least now everyone can go back to hating Man Utd again.
  7. Cosimo Sarli, Mark Paul ... all the others who were destined to be superstars!
  8. Because he's making it all about him. Attention seeking.
  9. "progressed", what a cnt, bye.
  10. I hate that, far prefer the 'white' version, feels fresher. But I showed my 9 year old as he's the target market and he prefers your red version, so I lose.
  11. Display picture Deadpool Data Processor Democratic Party I do hope though we can double penetrate both Manchester teams this season.
  12. I'm not into mock ups, but that looks decent
  13. People sharing the same cultural views, aged related, has been a concept since the 19th century. The guy behind the first named generation died around 100 years ago. So your answer is ~100 years ago.
  14. All this guff about managers like Kompany not changing their style, making them desirable, blah blah blah. It's just that, hot air. If you don't adapt in your job and modernise constantly, or react to events and make changes, you deserve to get the boot. The fact that Martin and team over the last month have shown a tactical variation or two gives me hope. Some might be to do with McCarthy in goal, but he's a considerably, better, calmer goalie and a better shot stopper.
  15. I fked up I think. I added 3 tickets, realised I'd added 3x adults, went to change 1 to a child and the tickets went. Managed to get a view of tickets again only to be told "no price" ... FFS. One extremely disappointed son after school.
  16. I just used Justpark to book a space 15 mins walk - easy, job done.
  17. State of it. Flat caps ... sigh ... anyway, awesome match, very very very managed and controlled, we've seen a very different Russel and Saints the last 3 matches. Now let's finish the job!
  18. That is shit behaviour.
  19. How? First penalty was a penalty, not given. Second penalty was not a penalty, given. You could argue the ref evened up his mistake, but that's football. VAR is slow, boring, clunky and just ruins the flow of a match. Fuck it.
  20. VAR is crap. I have far preferred this season without it. I far prefer the system before where sometimes the ref was right, sometimes wrong, that's football and it creates that post match discussion / laugh / annoyance. VAR just ruins the flow of a match, ruins a celebration and is STILL prone to the same crap errors. Get rid, bye.
  21. Does anyone actually watch them or care what's said anyway?? It's a bit weird. I'll find out the team 50 mins before kick off, even then, I often just wait until it's starting ... Makes me remember Strachan and his "the date of my yoghurt is more important" answer.
  22. Things that make you smile and happy with life, lovely!
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