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Patrick Bateman

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Everything posted by Patrick Bateman

  1. When?
  2. Mini festival atmosphere as there were a few bands on the Friday and another 2 days of bands - so it was bloody brilliant! The Killers are superb live, will definitely be seeing them again!
  3. I had a bird on my shoulders at the Killers on Friday at Hyde Park ... what's wrong with that? Don't think I'd be too chuffed if you pushed her off ...
  4. Oh well, never mind - see ya.
  5. I echo this, exactly.
  6. Well yes, I think most would, but chances of that happening?? :-(
  7. I seem to be opening myself up to abuse constantly at the moment ... home, work, on here?? I blame my new hair cut.
  8. If Keegan is not Manager (but is say DoF), then Tisdale would do me :-)
  9. Wasn't Mr Dear by any chance was it??
  10. That speed reading looks wrong to me Stu - message me on Facebook.
  11. If you were upgraded from 2 to 10, then that's spot on.
  12. Yes. With a chainsaw in my hand.
  13. I was 4 years old and living in Oliver's Battery Road South at the time!
  14. Not only are people losing their jobs left, right and centre, but those that are keeping their jobs are taking pay CUTS. I know many people who have, in fact, I could list thousands. I've taken a 10% cut to stay doing what I do. I have f**k all sympathy with tube drivers.
  15. Because he's an excellent business man who has built a brand with a superb world-wide reputation that people love to work for. He creates a buzz, gives up considerable time and effort for charity and is great to work for and with. Plus, he's not interested in football. It's not green and it's not advancing technology to create green fuels.
  16. With you on all that as I grew up in the Forest, but I think the point is the needless beating to death of an innocent animal. Not hunting it because it was a pest, but sick individuals picking on an innocent creature and torturing it. No different to the disgusting creatures who killed Jamie Bulger as I said - same mentality.
  17. Well that goes without saying, but consider that a fair amount of research will go in to make sure they ARE fairly close in the first instance.
  18. Totally agree, utteryly disgusting. If they are capable of this, they are more than capable of doing the same to a human and are not far removed from the vile creatures that killed poor Jamie Bulger.
  19. This is wonderful news - thanks for making my otherwise rubbish (so far) working day cheery!
  20. No no no no - categorically, no! (unfortunately)
  21. One has to wonder how a recruitment consultant gets to spend so much time on the internet! Sorry MB, but it baffles me!?
  22. LOL, except I was so plastered, it was Chinese and not Indian. Oh well ... never mind ...
  23. This is it - Dim T - http://www.dimt.co.uk/ Was very nice!
  24. What's the new place opposite Toni and Guy's, near the Gaol House? Can't remember it's name (I was totally cemented!!), but I do remember it was good food, with a nice atmosphere.
  25. Fantastic news! Really hope this happens.
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