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Patrick Bateman

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Everything posted by Patrick Bateman

  1. Knew Malc as well, RIP mate.
  2. No, they sound awful. However I see some of the SmS wig-wearers loving the idea, gah!
  3. "Millwall £368 8 months. 19.9% Interest" Or would you rather SFC offered something TOTALLY unreasonable like 19.9% interest rate? That's criminal! I got a u-switch spam e-mail detailing credit cards and loans for 7.9% ... !!
  4. As nice as it does look, it's still a Peugot, so will fall to pieces. I will never own another French car again.
  5. Agree, my little brother has just got himself a new 123d M Sport Coupe. Lovely car, good performance and 60mpg (ish), good stuff!
  6. Ridiculous, purely because he "only" got up to mid 90s in speed and slowed down. Think he thought he was either being followed or the guy wanted a race, so he slows down to let the guy go. The guy doesn't go, so he gets fed up and floors it. Surely that's provocation and entrapment!?!?
  7. But that's a BMW dealer - they are masters of eliciting more money from you. As said, main dealer for a complete wing mirror VW on a Mk6 Golf, which is about 6 months old ... we were charged £17.90 for the casing, indicator housing and wiring. The car in the report was a Ford Focus, I can't imagine that costing much more - hence the "bill for repair" seems ludicrous.
  8. No they aren't. My girlfriend has just replaced the wing mirror (with an indicator built in) for £17.90 on her 6 month old Mk6 Golf.
  9. Why is everything you write completely pointless, stupid, sarcastic and a waste of typing energy?
  10. Hmmm, with you on the Academies thing. Was discussing it this morning and really can't understand the benefit and had more questions than understanding. But as I was saying; how different is it to the last time this was tried with "Grant Maintained Status"? My old secondary school went grant maintained and we then had an assembly with our headteacher telling us to "get all your friends who don't go to this school to join as we get more money"!!??
  11. I always wondered what happened to British Caledonian (weirdly enough)! When I was younger, I used to go with my Grandad to Gatwick and you could enter the terminal and go outside, on the roof to watch the planes take off and land and listen to the radio transmissions. Sad now, that you can't do that and you can't even see the runways any more. They were good days ... times change ...
  12. Not wishing to be stereotypical here, but ... a large portion of children these days seem to have poor role models as parents and poor life guidance. What's the betting that in x years (when was this fund introduced??), there will be a glut of kids, £500 richer, spending it on booze, holidays and cars, rather than the intention which was to help their education. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule, but I like to generalise in this example.
  13. Cuts that will not affect the vast majority of people and won't harm education at all. BECTA has been binned; I don't know many schools/teachers/children that will be affected by this. A quango (I hate that word) which interferes with the national curriculum has been binned. My girlfriend, a deputy head of a very large primary (which has just got 'outstanding' with ofsted, i.e. one of the top 7% in the country), says this is a good thing as they were planning on interfering negatively with something that already works (I don't know the exact details of meddling, I was still half asleep at 6.30am when she was wittering about it whilst walking out the door to school). 10k new uni places instead of 20k. Not a big deal. More kids should be doing apprenticeships, not being forced to go to uni to do a pointless degree that won't get them a job. In fact, so many people now have degrees that in the sector I work in, a masters is preferred, even for people in their mid-30s, like me.
  14. What planet are you and the Mail on? I've just read the online Mail and laughed out loud at most of the rubbish they write - I hadn't read the paper for a while, now I know why!! "And there are also warnings that one mistake in a lab could lead to millions being wiped out by a plague, in scenes reminiscent of the Will Smith film I Am Legend."
  15. I notice more and more people joining groups on Facebook called (for example); "this is my country and I'll fly my flag if you don't like it, then leave" etc. I haven't heard, read or seen a single news story where someone has been asked to take down a flag on the basis that it's racist or offensive. Am I not reading the right papers? Could someone find some links that have happened (let's say) in the last 2 months (i.e. not in 2002, 2006 or whenever)? With reference the Echo story, looks like crap sensationalist journalism, again. If the flags were in communal areas and were a risk to health and safety (hanging too low, near a heat source etc.) then I could understand, but we haven't seen the pictures of where they were. It's a non-story.
  16. Moronic, out of touch, dinlos.
  17. I'm a medium in most shops and I'm a 44" chest (and a 34" waist").
  18. Yes, but the general public buying such an animal from a reputable breeder would be buying one that has had their bits done (male and female). Only the very very best examples are kept for breeding from to keep the pedigree line as perfect as possible. Breeders selling them unspayed etc. aren't very good and they aren't therefore proper pedigree. Of course you get the occasional cats that are kept for breeding but can't. My female Maine Coon was infertile (so I bought her from the breeder) and the male Maine Coon wasn't interested in breeding (!?). Most people keep them indoors as a) they don't want them to get runover (cost) and b) they aren't actually as hardy as moggies and are more liable to pick up illnesses etc. It is however recommended to have a massive outdoor pen/cage/closed in area to let them out in when you're there - which is what I did.
  19. I had 2 Maine Coons, they are awesome animals, so loving and almost dog-like. Had a ginger and white female and an all white male, who was absolutely massive - dwarfed every other cat I've ever seen!! Love Bengals, but they are probably a bit TOO mad for me (also my Maine Coon breeder does them as well)!
  20. Women shouldn't be allowed to vote, let alone be an MP, let alone make important decisions for the country! Get with the times!
  21. Er ... Andy Porter said; "I get about 400 miles from £50 in my 1.3 combo CDTA, not much better than what i got from my corsa." 400x2 = 800 miles £50x2 = £100 So I'd say it's no more efficient on the wallet than Andy's car ... ?
  22. VM have used Indian call centres for as long as I can remember - depends on when you phone up and how busy the lines are on which centre you get, whether it's Scotland, Wales, the North or one of the Indian ones.
  23. I really do hope so. What pleases me the most is that we have 2 parties both with some good policies, both with a couple of dodgy ones (inheritence tax threshold and the euro for e.g.). What I wanted and what we have are 2 parties now working together on a good, considered list of policies, with the more dodgy ones on the back seat. This is fantastic.
  24. A brilliantlt written piece from NC, just goes to show how a real businessman/CEO acts, speaks and deals with the media. Also proves I was right (in my own mind) about listening to "rumours". Every since Markus has bought the club, NO ONE has had any inside information, thank goodness. These guys run a right ship and the best and first place to look for news is saintsfc.co.uk
  25. Yes, of course. But if your salary is £30k and your OTE is £80k. You DON'T live to an £80k lifestyle, simple. And Trousers; I suggest they find jobs here, seem to be plenty of them: http://www.careerintravel.co.uk/cabin-crew-latest-jobs.htm
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