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Patrick Bateman

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Everything posted by Patrick Bateman

  1. Totally agree.
  2. I'm waiting for one of the many forum dullards on here to post about how wrong it is ... comon, where are you?
  3. That is fantastic!! Great start to my morning!
  4. And? Agents are leaches. If it means we're paying less then, good.
  5. F*ck it, anyone play the bass guitar. I can play drums, I know a few vocalists. DellDays plays recorder and I'm pretty sure a few people on here can play keyboards. Let's not bother with the football and just watch the band in the Chapel, great idea. I'll get my Strachan wig out while I smash the drums.
  6. It's a sh*t idea.
  7. Agree, the ginger wigs for Strachan worked well
  8. Give over, bunch of pansies. Hardley. 5th year in 1992. (Is the 5th year same as year 11, I haven't a clue)
  9. I went mid-end June. Weather was nice - about 24/25/26 C, only 1 day of rain out of 8. Just the evenings got coldish, so take some long sleeves if you're eating outdoors.
  10. I think we could start them off. Get a couple of sons popped out from our other halves, down the Academy at the age of 2, Saints will be on the way.
  11. Rubbish. Messi wouldn't get in the current Saints team. Anyone else notive Berbatov missing yesterday from Man Utd? People are rubbishing us signing Owen as we've in fact landed Berbatov. Fact.
  12. Not overly fussed about being in the Premier League. Sure, it's great to have full stadiums, trips to Chelsea and watching Rooney score 5 overhead goals against us. But the prices are shocking, Premier League-type players are mostly overpaid w*nkers who no one can identify with and it's just all a bit, well, sterile really. Gone are the days when Francis Benali, Matt Le Tissier, Jason Dodd, Matt Oakley, Ken Monkou, Claus Lundekvam and co kept us in the top flight by winning the last 5 matches of the season. In fact, not having many of those types of players got us relegated - we already had "Premier League" w*nkers who didn't care who paid them and didn't care much for the club, with a couple of exceptions. I honestly believe that this season, we've seen 20 or so blokes who actually care and are actually really happy Saints have been promoted, there are some top lads in that group. We'll probably still see it next season. Who watched Man Utd pick up the trophy at home, or Man City winning the FA Cup? The player celebrations just didn't seem the same. Lots of bouncing around in a line cheering a massive bonus, didn't appear to be any real "team" celebration, but I might be wrong, might just be my overactive imagination. But then on the other hand, I miss seeing us on Match of the Day. Actually, I think that's all I do miss. I'd love us to go straight up again, but in answer to the original question, I'd be quite happy being a club like Fulham, Stoke etc. Might get the odd cup final appearance, but never going to win the league. Happy with that, we won't end up with a team full of "badge kissers" (great phrase) and players who don't give a monkeys for the club, unless of course we nurture a 1st 11 from the Academy with local kids ...
  13. You ARE joking? He's the most patronising dullard I've seen. Can't stand him.
  14. Probably not to use IE 9. Seriously. Why would you? It's awful, use Firefox or Chrome.
  15. To be honest, this Sony Vaio is no better - crap quality casing. The internals are still fine (touch wood), but the case is buggered.
  16. Carlsberg definitely tastes FAR better in Copenhagen. I was there a couple of weeks ago for a week, drank gallons of the stuff and different types of (darker) lager by the same brewery. When I got over here, had some in the pub (may have even been the Alex for the Walsall match?), it was more gassy, tasted weaker and was a poor version of what I drank over there!
  17. Prince 2 is sh*t and of no use in any fast-paced environment, i.e. Mobile, eCommerce and most IT functions. It works in public sector where everything is governance driven. You're better off doing this - http://www.apm.org.uk/APMQualifications It's far more useful and well respected - all the Programme Managers I have worked with have all gone through this and are MAPM etc.
  18. As above, can only see Pulis, Holmes and Puncheon going. We only really need a big rock centre back to learn from Jaidi and take over the reins and also, a mean hard central midfield player.
  19. I was out in our garden a couple of months ago starting a "post-winter tidy up" out there and the next day, noticed I'd been bitten on my leg. It didn't go away for about 3 weeks and developed in to a nice "bullseye" pattern (large red bite centre, white circle round that, red itching, raised circle around that), so I went to the Dr. We get a lot of deer and so on in our garden and turns out it was probably a tick bite (deer carry ticks) and I got sent for a Lyme Disease test and put on antibiotics. Luckily it was caught early enough and 2 weeks later it had gone and I now have a scar left. Worth seeing the Dr if it is persistent!
  20. He had annoyingly white teeth ...
  21. Was he a bit porky too?
  22. Brilliant, I can see myself from about 7 seconds in from a different angle, thanks! I was filming as I was running, will try to get it on.
  23. That's it now, we'll lose.
  24. Where abouts in Kettering are you??
  25. Agreed - we should aim as high as possible
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