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  1. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Here You Go (up to end of 12/13 season) Year Saints Pompey Difference 2013 30874 12232 18642 2012 26420 15016 11404 2011 22161 15707 6454 2010 20982 18249 2733 2009 17849 19830 -1981 2008 21254 19914 1340 2007 23556 19862 3694 2006 23614 19840 3774 2005 30610 20072 10538 2004 31699 20108 11591 2003 30680 18906 11774 2002 30633 15122 15511 2001 15115 13533 1582 2000 15132 13908 1224 1999 15140 11973 3167 1998 15159 11149 4010 1997 15099 8857 6242 1996 14820 9406 5414 1995 14685 8269 6416 1994 14751 11692 3059 1993 15382 13706 1676 1992 14070 11789 2281 1991 15413 9689 5724 1990 16463 8959 7504 1989 15590 10201 5389 1988 14544 15923 -1379 1987 14950 13404 1546 1986 14877 13614 1263 1985 18046 15185 2861 1984 18089 13196 4893 1983 18799 14095 4704 1982 21835 8544 13291 1981 21482 13514 7968 1980 21335 15850 5485 1979 21330 10123 11207 1978 21167 9678 11489 1977 19480 11564 7916 1976 17648 10472 7176 1975 15910 12474 3436 1974 21128 13675 7453 1973 18118 9477 8641 1972 21191 11918 9273 1971 22267 13759 8508 1970 22901 14928 7973 1969 22492 19163 3329 1968 24665 22988 1677 1967 25527 14831 10696 1966 18919 14644 4275 1965 17123 13058 4065 1964 17217 14681 2536 1963 15267 16043 -776 1962 13763 16782 -3019 1961 18665 15028 3637 1960 18052 16156 1896 1959 21540 24016 -2476 1958 14851 28499 -13648 1957 14784 25024 -10240 1956 11612 26260 -14648 1955 14724 29868 -15144 1954 14885 28993 -14108 1953 16159 31578 -15419 1952 19038 32523 -13485 1951 21816 32794 -10978 1950 23894 37004 -13110 1949 25384 37082 -11698 1948 20789 31226 -10437 1947 16597 30198 -13601 1939 14596 23630 -9034 1938 16583 22827 -6244 1937 13025 19692 -6667 1936 10705 19358 -8653 1935 9088 17995 -8907 1934 9979 18243 -8264 1933 9064 18102 -9038 1932 10880 17478 -6598 1931 12150 18779 -6629 1930 12073 18495 -6422 1929 14875 20225 -5350 1928 10177 22752 -12575 1927 9837 16792 -6955 1926 9965 14457 -4492 1925 9635 16685 -7050 1924 10420 12770 -2350 1923 12645 12195 450 1922 11385 14060 -2675 1921 12585 15445 -2860 Average 17671 17416 254 Ave last 25y 20286 14320 5966 Ave Last 50y 19964 13975 5989 Ave Prev 36y 14486 22196 -7710 Sorry about the format its from a spreadsheet. If anyone can tell me how to paste it in as it appears on the sheet I will happily do so
  3. My first ever Saints game. There were def more there for Mick Channon's testimonial against QPR. Started that on top of the turnstile at The Archers then the Police moved us and sat on the side of the pitch for the rest of the game. I believe they stopped counting at about 28k but I'm absolutely convinced there were over 33,000 in there that mad Monday evening.
  4. --------------------------------------Shilton--------------------------------- Golac-----------------Wright---------------------Nichol--------------------Shaw -----------------------Williams------------------Schniederlin-------------------- Keegan---------------------------Le Tissier--------------------------------Bale -----------------------------------Shearer--------------------------------------- Subs Niemi Holmes (versatility) Llalana Ball Ecklund Svennson Channon
  5. Is it me or does Mick Williams look like Mr Slugworth from the original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?
  6. Shared a beer with Jim at the Two Brothers in the eve after the Liverpool game. He's moved back to the area and is living near West End. Told me where but don't really want to post it on here. He's good friends with Jimmy Case as mentioned on here so might be good point of contact.
  7. My first game was Man u at home in 1969 aged 6. Sat on my grandad's lap in second row of centre west stand. Think we lost (5-2??) and pretty sure it was record attandance at Dell which is def 31,044. By age of 10 was going on my own and queing for turnstiles to open at Archers Road end, before moving on to the Milton a year or so later! Happy happy days
  8. If I could do that I wouldnt be asking the question would I??
  9. Im fairly central in London (near St Pauls) so only a shortish tube from anywhere in central(ish). Thanks for those two will look them up. Any other Saints likely to be there?
  10. I am in London on Saturday and wondering if anyone knows of any pubs where I can watch the match with fellow Saints fans?
  11. Make that 9 with Stuart Gray
  12. Ted Bates Jason Dodd Chris Nicholl Alan Ball Dennis Wise Bill Dodgin Arthur Dominy Arthur Chadwick I make that 8
  13. I have also had very last minute change in circumstances - ticket anyone
  14. The Odeon was where the Virgin Megastore / Waterstones/ Other shop was built. The ABC still exists as a building (Squares) and the classic became Burger King. There was also an "Adult" cinema as part of the Classic which I think was called The Tatler
  15. He is romantically linked to one of Brian O'Neil's daughters who runs a recruitment company down here
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