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Everything posted by saintkiptanui

  1. Dickson is pretty like Crab lungs.
  2. Is Ponty ginger???
  3. Plenty of science out there supporting my ideas.
  4. 15% mortgages would pretty much ruin the country if it happened again, I struggle with 2.5%
  5. Global warming is not happening...
  6. No she didn't.
  7. Nice picture, he rivals Llloyd James in the ugly stakes, glad we got rid, we need good looking players.
  8. Can we have a poll on this please?? I think it's important we get baj out.
  9. This is the worst yet, not one of these things will happen. Couldn't be putting up with him looking to the stars for his dead ma everytime he scores.
  10. No hatricks 11/4 corals.
  11. That looks rubbish.
  12. I met Turkish once and can confirm he has full head of red hair.
  13. 25/1 winner on betfair, sweet old man. Returns 20/1
  14. Me too, I'm so disgusted I am going to bang on about it forever.
  15. She had her fist up your botty:(
  16. Dogsh*t just like you and the fat c*nt Corden.
  17. Bugger. 8/11, 10/11 and 4/6. Treble up.
  18. We'll have to agree to disagree, although I am right. Wrote out a treble for tonights racing but decided not to put it on, Hannons first 2 winners and bated breath in the next at Ponty, hope it loses.
  19. It's what he meant though old timer:smt069
  20. :smt069 won the 2nd race old man:smt069 this is what he means.
  21. Teletext has hannons as winner, sporting life website has it 7th??
  22. So what happens??
  23. I deffo don't understand.
  24. I believe Baj is ginger.
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