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Everything posted by saintkiptanui

  1. A pheasant hit my van windscreen and cracked it down the middle, got to the house I was working at and the owner came out and paid me before he went to work and I noticed the pheasant was hanging by it's throat from my ladder, threw it in a bush , my gran was annoyed as she said she would of cooked it.
  2. How can you leave out susannah reid from your top 5???
  3. I'd like a mole to come to my garden, you lot are nasty c*nts, leave the poor buggers alone.
  4. Yeh spain and Brazil a piece of p*ss:rolleyes:
  5. 97 all out. That is a fantastic collpase, the best so far this season, good job.
  6. 97-9 ha ha
  7. It's nearly, not almost FFS gumbos.
  8. ITV go to a bar and show the locals celebrating their goal, a couple can be arsed to stand up but ITV make out it's the most incredible show of passion ever, I think this is going to annoy me as I know when England score there will be pint glasses flying in many a pub up and down the country, proper passion.
  9. First of many losing bets.
  10. Got £20 on halftime/fulltime Mexico at 7/2
  11. Stop being so gay stueey, we will romp it, you have changed into a forum gimp.
  12. I think we sent out plenty of messages of intent last season.
  13. Shut up ****face.
  14. I love Kempton, go through the card with these winners. 6.20 - Tous les deux 6.50 - Laugh or cry 7.20 - Dever dream 7.50 - Activate 8.20 - Champagne fizz 8.50 - baby dottie 9.20 - Clockmaker
  15. Tevez 40/1 to be top goalscorer, does he not start for the agries??
  16. I really enjoy Liverpool struggling, still other than the skates the team I can't stand due to the glory boys at my school in the 80's.
  17. Wish the bookies would hurry up and price up relegation from the chamionship, they have it all wrong at the moment, the skates 8th favourites to win the league:toimonster:
  18. Germany or Italy to make final, Klose to be top scorer, England to go out in quarters again.
  19. Who Robsk??
  20. Thats Robsk.
  21. The latter I'm thinking, I'm afraid girls these days like a smooth chest, this is like men liking a hairy chest on a woman, it's all f*cked up.
  22. WTF has that got to do with it??? strange child. Are you a fan of public out pourings of emotion, did you throw a flower on Dianas coffin?
  23. I feel like a maverick
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