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Everything posted by saintkiptanui

  1. Mentalist.
  2. meatloaf.
  3. petit pois
  4. and here we go again, round 2. ding ding.
  5. The way you say "look" when you start a sentence reminds me of Shimon cowell.
  6. Spuds win but have 5 players injured and 3 sent off and Bagpuss gets beaten by a 20 strong mob of the fishy variety, he ends up with 2 broken legs and 2 broken arms, broken jaw and is hospitalised for 6 months, p*rtsmouth are then fined £20,000000 and docked 50 points for the next 4 seasons and forced to play behind closed doors (not much difference from now) and every week the fishy mob run a mock around p*rtsmouth city centre smashing the place up.
  7. Thanks four eyes 6 toes.
  8. I reckon saints will be evens at best and the skates with deductions evens at best, without 3or 4/1 so a double would pay 3/1 or about 8/1, all guess work of course.
  9. Don't f*ckin call him 'arry as if he's some kind of friend, he's a c*nt and makes it impssible to enjoy todays thrashing of the skates.
  10. Don't invest them all, what if they go pop before the end of the next season? I'd suggest a huge bet on Saints to win the league next season, if the bookies are offering 3/1 or more then I will be investing everything I have.
  11. I often get called peahead, I don't mind this. If I met you and I discovered you had a bunnion and I called you 6 toes would you cry/mind??
  12. Am I bad for calling Robsk carrot top??? I think you need to lighten up a bit.
  13. The massive Skate fan love in has started already by Jeff Stelling, quote "the one thing that p*rtsmouth can count on is there brilliantly passionate support" Shut up jeff you dildo. I like you but anymore of this and I'm gonna have to start talking about your botox injections.
  14. What a bell end
  15. I lost about £500 at Cheltenham and about £200 at Aintree, over the last year I estimate losses of £8-10,000, I have a problem.
  16. Dunne you blue eyed fat c*nt.
  17. County win and Rochdale smashed 5-0, looking better:)
  18. Great success for everyone on here, one person went for the winner to be placed:smt008
  19. Using the tragic death of two men to have a pop, you are such a knob.
  20. Placepot banker gets placed. these are the rest of my horses. race 2 - 7,8 race 3 - 2,8 race 4 - 2,4,7,11,16 race 5 - 2,4,9,17,20,22,23,24:rolleyes: race 6 - 1,2,7,11,17,19 5p stake comes to £48.
  21. Imagine what her under carriage smells/looks like.
  22. 5p stakes, need to find a banker, Peddlars cross in the 1st?? help me.
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