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Everything posted by saintkiptanui

  1. I got one for calling him a bell end.
  2. No, really you're not, thats just daft.
  3. Baj/Kenny/Serge I hope stueey got infracted for this outburst???
  4. Saints fans attitude lead to spuds losing, damm:(
  5. Disagree, they must have had about 50 attempts, scored a perfectly good goal and conceded a non penalty, cheating c*nts. The commentator makes me feel sick, p*mpey against the world, what a pr*ck.
  6. 3 blonde gimps stood together, nice hair.
  7. Extra time win for spuds would be good, tire them out for the league and hopefully pick some injuries so bagpuss doesn't get 4th place.
  8. 1/5 cracking price.
  9. The media wouldn't mention it, thats Tantamount to blasphemy.
  10. Crouch has got crap t*ts, lovely arse though. This game is rubbish, the skates could well win it.
  11. I have found some knitting needles and a scarf under the stairs.
  12. Good. I suggest Turkey before they gain entry to the EU or Canada.
  13. Will you be going to Disney often??
  14. A solid start.
  15. I live with my Wifey, the thing is we haven't lived at the house for 5 years so they can't be ours.
  16. Strange, obviously he has no future at the spuds.
  17. No, I am busy eating cup cakes fresh out of the oven and drinking a nice bottle of wolf blass.
  18. Because you are blinkered.
  19. The above is not true.
  20. I read a paper on my 10 minute lunch break in my van, it normally consists of a packet of bacon wheat crunchies, a packet of Mccoys salt and vinegar crisps and a crunchie or a packet of fruit gums.
  21. Can't go on-line from my van.
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