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Everything posted by saintkiptanui

  1. Can I do one day??? Only want a smallish one. Do I need to let the coucil know I will be cluttering the street??
  2. I will clear my throat and sing "barmy army"
  3. Pink?? Not sure they do Basingstoke area, I don't want to phone up I just want someone to tell me how much they paid.
  4. I'll starch the collar on my fred perry polo shirt.
  5. No, he's a useless c*nt. I fully expect Dog to know what I need.
  6. We'll have to chat another time then sunshine.
  7. How much for an average sixed one for a day or two and do I have to let the council know as it would be on a public road??
  8. Meet me at the bounty tonight
  9. You staying up there??
  10. Ha ha I don't get whats so funny??
  11. Shut it bean breath or do you wanna a chat??
  12. I know but it's true my friend.
  13. I don't suppose anyone is going to beliee me when I tell you I did a £20 treble and it came in paying £200??? Well I did:smt110 2.45 ascot - aviate 13/8 2.55 pontefract - lion mountain 5/6 4.40 pontefract - beat the rush Evens
  14. Yeh me and the maggot will be attending, we're both getting season tickets next year, can't miss out on the best season ever.
  15. Saved by your nap Louis.
  16. Brad Pitt based his character in Snatch on me, I have a melancholy feeling when in one place too long.
  17. He loooks like a total gimp, mix of Hawkins, Wenger and my step brother pauly.
  18. My great grandad grew and sold strawberrys and my great uncle sold pegs, my surname is Frankham, the king of the gypsies is called Johnny Frankham, I think I'm a bit gyppo and I have a gap tooth.
  19. You know everything, honestly.
  20. I would hate to be as poor as you sound, that is desperate times, get a job.
  21. Everyones a winner. 7.35 Nottingham - leader of the land.
  22. Whe the 5 nations is on towns become horrific places full of boozed up meathead rugby fans.
  23. The missus has one exactly the same, it's about me as I have a touch of the gyppo in my roots.
  24. Not sure about that, Westbrom could of had 10
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