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Everything posted by saintkiptanui

  1. Kuyt trying to get player sent off
  2. Got £20 on Liverpool/Fulham final at 3/1. Need the dull scousers to score again.
  3. Impressed by the german fans, they also look an average age of 12.
  4. I think they will and nice to see Fulham fans can make a bit of noise.
  5. At it again. 2-1 up.
  6. Gordon looks a bit like a monkey tonight, poor gordon. Cameron is the ugliest and cleggy is the best looking.
  7. She would deffo get it, old crabby loves 16 year old emo girls who do that stupid trout pout look at the camera looking all coy.
  8. Missed out on the Hereford placepot by one as I couldn't put tyup pompey in the 4 horse race on principal, it won, cost me £150, I hate the f*ckin skates. I can't back any horses named harry either.
  9. Indeed, it reminded me of Saints a few years back.
  10. His birds mini is outside right now, it has been for weeks, they are not on hoilday but they don't like me as I fell through there fence last summer.
  11. 6 yards?? thats big, do they do one day hire?? How do I ge tthe skip outside my house?? what if the neighbour is on holiday and his car is parked outside?? what happens??
  12. Jose goes a little loopy, does a stuart pearce.
  13. That was harsh.
  14. Don't make me get my drapers out.
  15. Here's the big man, Saints number one "lad"
  16. My garden shed is full of crap, stuff from the house which has beed replaced, things like plates, pans, chairs, the garden is full of sh*t, maggot has loads of sh*t all over the house which needs to go and I still have this years christmas tree in my front garden.
  17. Is there any chance of Baj/Kenny doing the same?
  18. Thats a no then, have fun.
  19. Where is panc*ck, is he banned for being a c*nt???
  20. Thanks Andy and dog some good advice.
  21. Whats a rhino bag??
  22. Shut it old man and give me a poem. Do you consider davis to be in the same league as Ricky?? If you say yes you are a freak, as Delldays said if you say anyone other than ricky you are trying to be clever, like music snobs who always like the unheard of song on a popular album.
  23. I don't f*ckin believe this, are you f*ckin mad??? I despair, unf*ckinbelievable. Ricky lambert by a country mile for not only us but the entire league.
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