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Everything posted by saintkiptanui

  1. You'd be a good player x
  2. He has a look about him, proper sexual.
  3. Yesterday I did a super yankee, had 5 out of 5 won £16,000 but I lost it all on Chrisobee's evening tips:(
  4. It is a real person. Clue. He was my first and bestest hero.
  5. I think that the better looking the player the better he is. Ricky, good looking. Lallana, good looking Lloyd James, ugly Morgan, f*ckin good looking point proven.
  6. No. Clue. 17000 poor show.
  7. Nope, not even close. Use your noggin.
  8. When I read this thread I get annoyed by it all, when I don't read this thread I couldn't give a toss so therefore this thread is bad. As long as we are above them in a few years all will be well, no point worrying about the injustices of the world, we'd all spend our lives in Bradford murdering sex workers.
  9. How?
  10. No anagrams, just clever sh*t.
  11. Stop it Billy.
  12. Vernon northern monkey Kay is right at the top, such a c*nt, so "northern" just like peter big light kay, northern c*nts.
  13. Who gives a flying f*ck???
  14. and breathe. This is the muupet show.
  15. Beltecstasy roofone winner gets a pm from dog breath.
  16. I'd like to ride Hayley.
  17. When I have a child I will insist it doesn't go anywhere near x factor (despearate generation) it will be happy to be happy.
  18. Most of these names are lies.
  19. Be quiet old man:-$
  20. Idiot, just stole my joke
  21. The fat bloke talks just like our very own Bungle, the pr*ck that just went out is a c*nt of the highest.
  22. I was saying Eh?? to his two suggestions old man. Wotton is not a character.
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