saint michael
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Everything posted by saint michael
I think if the players were good enough they would make a difference regardless of the mgr. he might make a difference but shyte players who don’t give a shit and a clueless mgr on top is a disaster zone for the club
Saints playing walking football
Caveat Emptor
What good decisions do we think they have made on and off the pitch since they arrived? Most 5hings even with good intent have turned out as a pile of shyte
what do you classify as a short term success? the last few years have been like a pin ball machine bouncing from one thing to another. Major change requires a clear direction and 1 upward blip on a long decline makes little difference I think failure is built into the business model based on what we can see. Solak talks about long term success. Their ability to implement is very low and certainly showing no signs of improving. Most transfers are mediocre for most clubs. Somehow it’s envisioned that we will suddenly go from abject failure to to success. How does short term success and then a round of probable failure help us?
Is it though? Doesn’t this imply that saints business model is unsustainable. Where are Saints going? I have no idea of the real intended strategy. Successful we sell and fail and unsuccesful we fail. can’t score, can’t defend. Tippy tappy passes sideways and backwards. Desperate lunging into situation. No composure. Free kicks lumped in what on earth to they practice….awful transfers no idea whether any of these players can play poor structure in a game and poor selection and poor in game management. the championship will be another example of how bad we are. apart from this I am very excited by the future for saints…
I wonder if the owners believed that this season would end any other way than it is. If they did it really does expose how shit their knowledge of footie is.
Martin has created scars so deep we need amputations to now recover
I think we do need to push the boat out and find someone who we know can make a difference not speculate they might. Once again we are trying to be too clever or cheap again. The chat on here seems like we have all been slapped down so much lately we are talking ourselves into the mindset of he could do a job. I would like to understand why this time will be different from Jones, Selles and Martin. Moyes may not be certain success but at least you know he can do it. Someone like this even from overseas is what we need. Money talks. I’m sure we could get someone better than those suggested and available so far. I feel we are about to climb on the next rollercoaster.
I don’t think the fans count anymore. Managers becoming more cocky and not even bothering to thank or praise support. Media swooning and lack of real challenge to performances knowing they will close doors if deemed negative. Owning a club becomes a new status or ego point for them. im sure being a businessman in Serbia is not straight forward, easy or very open. I’m not sure that the financial aspect although important is first and foremost for him, he is probably investing what he expected. What he will be struggling with is how he deals with the PR of this shit performance . I’m sure that he really expects and believes this to be turned around. The longer this continues past this season the more pressure there will be. Imagine if next season saints are not chasing the championship title. I just hope that one day I see the club I first started supporting back again in a guise that I recognise and can believe in
New premier league standard… light show followed by shit show
Martin has won the lottery. Imagine being paid millions and having no expectations on you that you can do your job. It really is quite the weirdest thing I’ve seen in football over the years and shows how weird the game has become. Then you add onto that the complete delusion that you are doing really well. It’s like a tale form Hans Christian Anderson and Groundhog Day rolled into one. its not the relegation I think the damage to the club is so huge it will take years to overcome the nature of this debacle. After travelling in hope, I think we have arrived in despair
Would be interesting to see how much Saints would cost to buy now. I’m not sure that SR would be so badly affected even with all the shyte going on now. This might be why they are not reacting to it. They might just believe that buying young and developing over the longer term may well give them the best position. Cheap version of Chelsea approach. The unknown of course is the relationship between Martin and them and their belief in what he is doing. personally can’t stand watching us die this slow death after watching them for years. There has been little in the way of any hard feedback like lost gate revenue or crowd protesting or stuff that sky and the media would drive on. I really can’t see them outwardly caring at the moment. Certainly not letting anything leak on it.
The fact that we are discussing the rights and wrong of a manager with 1 win and who prioritises possession over wins shows just how fucked football is.
Even looking like a team that understands football intent of scoring and winning would be refreshing. Any new manager providing that would be a good start. The ability to coach defence and attack movement would be a bonus. Able to turn weekly coaching into match day application might make a difference too. Apart from that I think Martin is tremendous.
You can feel it on this forum that Martin is creating his own scars. He recognised it when he arrived I wonder if he recognises it now
Martin says players buy into this style. What exactly do the players buy into? Playing shit every week
I think staying up was always going to be a long shot but for goodness sake organise the team, coach them to help them and put out a consistent group that stands a chance. At least give it a go and stop this stupid experiment when clearly not working or showing any signs of working or improvement. If you can’t do this go somewhere else mate and try it there. I’m sick of sitting through this complete shit show
I don’t think we know how good these players are or could be. He has sent on 11 boys without the confidence and structure to know what to do when something challenging happens. Completely lost it dropped further back and just hoped they could stop them playing. Truly amateur stuff by Martin
Yeah. I’ve been watching since then too with Ron Davies the first great one. I guess I just don’t get system over result which is our outlook now. I think we are trying to be too clever for our own good and forgotten how to do the simple things well and how to drill these. We seem to lack any character. Martin doesn’t seem to understand defence, attack and how to transition effectively. It’s like watching someone painting by numbers.
I’m not sure what Martin sees as success. he was really pleased with Newcastle result based on the way we played and said on another day we would have scored 3 and won 3 1. The reason we didn’t is because of the skills and ability of the players we have. He doesn’t seem to connect the two together. Success and failure is a fine line. I wonder if us having 20% possession tonight and winning 1 0 with TP getting a late headed goal from long delivery into box would be a success for him. I wonder what level of player skill he looks for when you see who we are currently connected to.
I think we all know what’s going on. Read all the above lots of recognition of issues verbalised in different ways. clearly our style of possession relies on skilled people that can control and pass without taking two or three touches. Slow because we can’t control and pass without taking second touch. club’s gamble is that this group of players will learn this and do this. club still working within its budgets so buying players they believe can be sold on rather than make immediate effect. Volume over known quality. they know what we see and not going to change what they believe in because of course they know best. we are not going to see this change. Martin hates the booing and dissent from fans. Of course what do we know. 😂. for me I hate that what they believe we have to do is always different from convention and what everyone who is successful will do. Our promotion has given them the arrogance that they think is working. I guess we will see. I think we are well into the start of our second premier league nightmare.
Saints should be 4 down. Tater saying saints well on top and giving everything 😂. Could play for another 90 and not score
We just keep taking too many touches, slowing everything down. No real movement and one touch stuff.
All these years and I never realised how complicated football is. These guys have been trained through the academy system and are supposed to be the shining lights, yet none of them seem to understand the basics that Martin is wanting. How different is his passing, how hard is it to say pass to one of our players how hard is it to say play forward, run, tackle read positions and movement etc etc. I have certainly lost the plot. The best way of getting better and stronger is not letting goals in and scoring more, winning creates confidence and with this comes stronger bonds between players and the team and scares the opposition. Skill and will go together. We are concentrating on learning without purpose. You are not unlucky to have so much of the stats against Rotherham and lose, you are not unlucky or lack bravery by letting early goals in….all to F ing complicated and for me very boring slow obvious football with obvious outcomes.