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Saint Johnno

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Everything posted by Saint Johnno

  1. Well done guys. One result doesn't make a season... but it sure makes a happy night!
  2. That was so awful. No defence, always appealing for offsides instead of letting the ref decide,passing to the invisible man,....I could go on and on. It could have been 5 nil at half time. Come on guys, you are professional footballers,you can do better.Cov were only one place above us in the table at the start of the match. Now they are 6th and we are about 20th. What a chasm! A very sad day for all people who love this club.... but we will still support through thick and thin. We will be back. You have read it here.
  3. We are overdue a win on Sky...... so I'm going for a 2-1 win. Please don't disappoint
  4. Made for a very happy night. Well done you Reds. Long may it continue.
  5. Good news. Ron is my all time football hero. Note my avatar. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
  6. Hoo-bleeding-ray!!!!!! I'll take any win. Well done you Reds
  7. W**t a l**d *f ** cking *hit.........again. Got there How much more of this have we got to put up with? This result really hurts. We can't defend and we can't score. Might as well just stand in the centre circle for 90 miniutes. 27 years in the top division and all let go in a flash. Did you see the despair on Matt's face as each goal was scored?
  8. No, but I got my Arsenal loving son a shirt with Berk-gamp on the back!
  9. Its ok.... apart from that hideous piece of white plastic slapped on the front. Do FLYBE buy a bulk load and then distribute them to all the clubs where they are the shirt sponsor? I mean the front of the shirt doesn't move when you wear it.Feels like you are wearing the front half of a sandwich board. Not impressed at £40.....
  10. I totally agree......but I'm addicted to the Saints..and we have come up trumps....occasionally. COYR
  11. Lets hope the focus is on the pitch this season and not the boardroom. How do you pronounce our new manager's name?
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