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Saint Johnno

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  1. Saint Johnno


    Please score some. Having watched Saints and England in the last few weeks, I am seriously wondering if anyone knows the point of the game. In the Daily Mail a chart shows that we convert only 8% of chances made. This is the worst in PL. Only England is worse than us. Snoozball..........
  2. How about some lines from U2's song The Saints are Coming ?
  3. Very sad news. Ron won't be forgotten. My all time favourite Saint. R.I.P.
  4. South stand upper tier for Leeds fans = £31 (confirmed- have seen a ticket) South stand for Saints fans per official sfc = £36. Do I smell a rip off?
  5. Great afternoon.We never looked in trouble. However we can do better which is positive. Must not give hard earned possession away by careless passing. Good to see new names on the score sheet. COYR
  6. My......... that table looks good|
  7. Ron you were the best. I even used to support Wales when you and Wyn Davies led their attack. I wish we had player of your ilk now. All best wishes for a good and healthy 2011.
  8. In a bar in Crete. Saints v Manu. Beattie scored in last minute to win 1-0. No time for Manu to score. Brilliant. We were only 3 Saints fans in the place! About year 2000.
  9. Crapabolical! Dire dire dire
  10. I didn't think this would happen now. Disappointed as to timing. Thanks AP and good luck to you.
  11. I think the game should be played. This is what Marcus would have wanted. He would not want people grieving over him. He would like everyone to be happy. We will all pay our respects to him in our own way. He won't ever be forgotten by Saints fans.
  12. Very sad for his family. My best wishes to them at this difficult time. As a Saints fan. I can only echo what everyone is saying ----- a big THANK YOU!
  13. I haven't read all the comments, so apologies if I repeat anything: The black kit looks good on the players, but what do we wave in the stand? Black scarves?? We will hardly be noticeable except for the noise we make.
  14. Just like to record my appreciation of these. You guys have put a lot of time and effort into producing an enjoyable listen. Many thanks and I hope to download many more in the future.
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