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Everything posted by Gully

  1. Gully


    Could this finally be the year they get relegated? More or less evens on betfair now. Looking at their run in and the reasonable form of the teams around them that seems like good value. Then again, are they too big to go down? Would be funny.
  2. Blackpool 1 up.
  3. Anyone know of an online radio link?
  4. Gully


    Because of the weaker defences in La Liga, Messi would have to come to the Premiership to be definatively better then Ronaldo IMO.
  5. Weird to think its only been a year.
  6. Gully


    There is not a person on this board who would turn down £500,000 to kick a ball around. Get over yourself, its not the footballers fault.
  7. Pilot did well, but surely you'd expect him to be able to do that?
  8. Gully

    dean richards

    Did the Brownshirts win?
  9. Gully


    "Mum and Dad...how did you meet?"
  10. Fair enough, if you can't look after yourself what chance for the child.
  11. Probably people assuming its a reflection of the national team.
  12. Fair enough, but there is a difference between being derogatory about someones appearance and being racist. Would say most of the time that term is used it is people making fun of the way the person is dressed, for me that's not racist.
  13. Silly boy, though it was three years ago and he appologised. Also is rag head a racist term? Is it not just making fun of clothing choice?
  14. Gully


    After his performance this season and our weak financial position it's hard to see that he wouldn't get a better offer else where.
  15. Tbf, most of them won't get payed to promote they get low wages to stack shelves and clean. Therefore as long as they were doing their jobs properly, which isn't hard, then they are unfortunate to loose their jobs.
  16. 4-4-2 at home and 4-5-1 away.
  17. Wasn't Christmas a couple of days ago.
  18. Surely Perry is a guarantee in the back line, preferably with Cork, in front of Davis that would be a good central three. Skacel at left back fo' shizzle and then I guess there is no choice but James at right back. Alternatively move Cork out right and play Pierce in the centre. Glad to see that neither Euell or Lallana is playing right midfield as they are useless there. Glad he might drop fat mac.
  19. Tbf, its likely they've fallen by more then a third.
  20. Was in woolworths in Portsmouth(commercial road) and found that you could buy parts of the store.
  21. Tbf, he was crap on football manager.
  22. Very well done and im a little turned on.
  23. Gully


    "looks like", isn't really enough. He's ok and one of the better ones we currently have but it seemed like we had far better defenders on loan last season, like Lucketti, Dailly, Bennett and Davies, would be good to bring in someone of their quality again this season.
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