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Everything posted by Gully

  1. Gully

    Dream Holidays

  2. Gully

    Dream Holidays

    Montego bay for a couple of weeks with a group of friends, beer, sun and sea. Good times. Oh and it has to be all inclusive.
  3. Suprising team IMO, especially no Bopara. Also thought Sidebottom should be maintained.
  4. In other sports I think its more acceptable, however, the whole point of the Olympics is that it is a reflection of the nation and what they have to offer.
  5. Makes you wonder why we persist with the same failing batting line up. I appreciate that Carbury, Crawley, Ervine, Lumb and probably one or two others occasionally do the job but if we rotated it a bit more the existing order might be a bit less complacent.
  6. Most of the Pompey fans make the forum more enjoyable, hopefully getting them to pay £5 will stop the more pathetic ones from signing up.
  7. Heard of, don't know much about them.
  8. I assumed you were being sarcastic as you are a full member.
  9. I reckon the main reason for the £5 payement is to stop youngsters spamming as you can't get even a solo card till you're 16. By my estimate that means Buzzin won't be posting more then 3 times a day.
  10. I would have bet my bottom pound on this being one of the first ten threads once the server came back up.
  11. That would be awesome. Personally i've posted much less then 3 times a day for the last 4 years yet think £5 a year is a bargain. That said i've never donated so feel like i've caught up a little for lost time.
  12. Hopefully Vaughan can go away and play for Yorkshire without the pressure of being England captain and regain some of the form he showed half a decade ago.
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