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Chapel End

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Everything posted by Chapel End

  1. Can we get back to slagging Ralph off now
  2. Yeah cos Ralph doesn't have a scooby
  3. Penalties it is then
  4. Emotions are for chicks and son in laws or something
  5. We don't have a first team, we have a squad
  6. How is Ralph judged after tonight?
  7. Should any player be happy
  8. Do you ever STFU
  9. Who else could he bring on
  10. I'm not, just saying give it a chance
  11. He's been reading this thread
  12. Give it a chance FFS
  13. 10 more goals then
  14. Written off already but not as early as usual on here
  15. Most of the threads are shit tbh
  16. Wait till Chelsea score, if they do of course
  17. Moan about Bednarek when he plays, now he's not moan the defence is weak... Moan when KWP doesn't play, now he plays the defence is weak... This place is special
  18. There will be uproar on here whatever the team is mate.
  19. Hard
  20. Pipe down troll
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