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Everything posted by pimpin4rizeal

  1. cortese is the most important person at this club end of. u could always feel we was going places with him in charge whatever manager he chose was getting a great job with a club that going places because of the ambition and backing. be it pardew adkins or whoever else nc picked we would eventually got to where we were aiming. i dont understand the grief cortese gets on here from some people? are you ungratefull or just missing the rupert lowe days? think where we were before cortese was in charge, on the verge of extinction, now we are in the premier league signing the likes of gaston ramirez. nc has been great for us stop whining and enjoy!!
  2. Gazza should be our number . has hardly put a foot wrong hes more agile and his kicking is beast
  3. First half was worst ive seen us play this season. But as soon as mayuka came on we looked far more dangerous and had enough chances in that period to get something out of the game. Maya shoukd have found the net from his header. Im still not sure about rodriguez myself he looks a bit of a jack of all trades master of none to me, rarely has enough skill and guile to beat his man but well done for first goal. Ive been much more impressed with mayuka in the time ive seen him he looks a real livewire hope we are not gonna just use hom as an impact player
  4. Yaya toure for me hes the complete midfielder would also make us more solid
  5. I watched a video online and it defnitely seems a bit more generous with the commentary I noticed lallana and guly both now have commentary. Not sure about gaston and ward prouse etc mayb someone can tell us?
  6. Gaston looks more like ian holloway lol
  7. saints players faces here doesnt look like they have made a great deal of effort for our beloved saints
  8. Quality :-) sounds great. is ramirez in the saints squad ?
  9. Any good deals going for pes2013 on ps3 I will pick up pes and fifa this year but might wait to see what deals on when fifa come out Sometimes if u buy any full price game u get fifa cheap. Any ideas?
  10. Wheres the best place to buy fifa 13 on ps3 usually some deals when its released
  11. also with the way our vision seems to be bringing the youth through. why would we want redknapp the guy who when he was last here sent a team of kids out in a cup game. then destroyed them in the post match interview .NO THANKS!
  12. adkins is doing a good job in my oppinion. all 3 games we have played good football. we have scared the life out of the 2 best clubs in england and done it in style. the only criticsm i can give the team or adkins is the defence looks very weak and naive and should have been sorted. lets at least see how we are doing ten games in before getting on nigels case. the first games were always goin to be a mare its just that wigan result has cranked up the pressure
  13. So happy about this signing :-) Have we seen gaston in a saints shirt yet or any interviews ?
  14. Ramirez retweeted its done its looking good
  15. Ffs just sign this is starting to drive me nuts
  16. under no circumstances should we accept a bid for rickie. create him chances he will score at any level. it would undo all the good work we have done in the transfer window. i for one would be devastated if rickie was pushed out
  17. Heres a you tube vid of bueno I still want ramirez though got my heart set on it http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dm3l0XkiIfIk&v=m3l0XkiIfIk&gl=GB
  18. Looks good but lets hope he can play on the wing. Hes class on fifa too
  19. As ive said before ince looks far better and blackpool fans feel the same. I get the feeling phillips has a touch of lower league player about him all pace and power but may disapoint with end product
  20. No wonder theres so many pages this thread is not about ramirez anymore is it
  21. i must say this ramirez talk has left me not caring about the matt phillips deal id rather have ramirez then 3 of phillips
  22. http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&sl=auto&tl=en&twu=1&u=http://www.corrieredellosport.it/calcio_mercato/2012/08/17-259600/Ramirez%2Bal%2BSouthampton.%2BBologna,%2Bgiusto%2Bcederlo%253F
  23. i think a lot of those 27 appearences in the premier were from the bench hes scored just the one premier league goal. im in 2 minds about this signing the times ive seen him he looks all pace and power but not a lot of technique
  24. i think they will rip our hands off for this 6m. phillips was loaned out to sheffield utd at the start of last season then made his impact when he returned
  25. think we would have been better off going for ince blackpool fans think hes in a different league to phillips. from the little ive seen ince looked the better player
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