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Everything posted by pimpin4rizeal

  1. Tbh this won’t be popular probably but fanbase didn’t help jones position at all ..got on his back exceptionally quick and after that he was always on the defensive with his post match interviews and digging his hole deeper and deeper .. obviously results were also poor .. im sounding like a jones fanboy or something here but I definitely would rather have him then selles .. selles post match interviews are also just as ridiculous and deluded claiming we will keep fighting when we never even started ..
  2. Still doesn’t make any sense to get rid of jones in the first place if you have no idea better then giving a shot to someone with fuck all experience …. esoecially after backing jones with onuachu and sulemana and all the others selles doesn’t rate.. in affect not only was sacking jones for selles absolutely crazy .. but they through away pretty much 60 m and a month worth of negotiations and talks in the transfer window .. as for selles knowing the club and players .. it doesn’t look like it when he’s making team selections 99 percent of the fanbase can see are absolutely shocking and choosing elyounoussi walcott and AA all the time .. and after being the most negative manager in history likes to talk about how we will keep fighting .. man I hate this guy
  3. As much as everyone seems to hate jones at least that appointment had some logic .. he was championship manager of the year and had punched well above his weight with little funds . but what the hell is the logic in selles ?? What’s he ever done to be considered a saviour in a relegation battle .. and to top it all off, he’s been in a totally differant page to the whole January transfer strategy .. makes no sense to me whatsoever .. we have just gone down with a absolute whimper . May as well have given jones more time then to do this
  4. If ever there’s a good time to protest by not going to the games this is it .. is there even any point in going .? We are gonna play boring shit .. we are gonna lose .. we are gonna get relegated .. and manager is going to pick the least exciting players he possibly can ..
  5. Tbh though he’s still too slow to press well and also loses possession by being slow so I don’t even get how it helps us defensively either
  6. I just don’t believe that .. how can you trust a man that thinks eluseless is better then sulemana edozie Stuart Armstrong etc ? Everytime we see the team full with moi AA walcott and his usual choices we pretty much all know how it’s gonna pan out .. but this guy just will not even attempt anything differant
  7. Calling him a Carillo is more the way the board signed a new striker only to sack the manager and him not really be in the plans of the new one whatsoever more then abillity wise though isn’t it .. truth is we don’t really know how good is he cos like you say he hasn’t a chance really it’s hard for any player just getting 20 mins here and there .. I still don’t understand how Rasmus is just sitting back and watching selles ignore practically everyone we signed in January (bar Alcaraz) I would be absolutely raging if I’d spent all of January trying to tie up deals and spending 60 m only for this moron to think moi walcott and AA are better then the new boys .. how can Rasmus let him get away with it ?
  8. We may as well just hold a competition for a fan to take charge until the end of the season .. I still think it would be a upgrade on this cunt and I’m actually serious
  9. How one man can be so completely and utterly blind not too mention negative and absolutely clueless is beyond me .. the teams he picks do exactly what any sane person knows they are gonna do .. every week he picks the absolutely most negative possible and every week we create fuck all for the people that think jones was worse was he fuck! Are you really that short sighted to let a couple of extra points blind you away from selles team sheets making absolutely no sense whatsoever .. jones was starting to play 433 with edozie starting most games, the line up he started in his last game would be what we are would be seeing now and it’s a thousand times better then selles.. we are also letting this absolute bellend waste every signing we made in the January window bar Alcaraz of all the bad moves we have made this year giving this guy the job in a relegation battle is the worst of the lot
  10. Obviously signed before we had this total retard in charge who is obviously not on the same page.. I know jones results was shit . But I completely and utterly prefer his team selections to selles this guy is as bizarre and negative as I can ever remember not only Paul ignored but sulemana on the bench also ? wtf is wrong with this dude how can you prefer Elly over Sula.. at least he’s ligjtnign fast and can scare the opposition
  11. I think this is a total myth .. what’s the worst thing that’s happened when we made anyone stay ? We sold them in the end anyway ? the more we keep giving into this shitty soft notion that we can’t possibly keep a player against his wishes the weaker we become.. what’s next burnley don’t want to pay our asking price so let’s knock off ten million and get Martin semmens to give him a handjob on the journey there .. it’s ridiculous
  12. He would only mope around until he realised it’s not gonna do him any good anyway .. what’s he gonna do throw his career away over a childish strop ?? he probably has plenty of friends at saints he’s been here for years it’s not gonna be the end of his life is it .. he might be disappointed to start with but would soon knuckle down when he realises we are keeping him
  13. I’d go further then that .. make him stay .. he will be a immense asset to us in the championship.. put a huge price tag on his head that prices him out of moving to burnley and hold firm .it’s time we started doing what’s good for us
  14. Sellés on Arsenal: "We are going to try and press them and win the balls high as possible to win the game. I don't make my lineup in terms of whatever anyone else thinks. It's not about one No 9, it's about putting people in situations." more if the same as expected .. only situation he’s putting us in will be relegation
  15. Nice team .. although I very much doubt we will get anything close to this under that mug selles.. djenepo is looking very lively and creating stuff lately so that’s h probably him out of the picture -doesn’t fit our identity
  16. What worries me the most is with this multi club model whatever you like to call it, it does make me wonder how much shit they actually give about us .. we are having a nightmare and in the mean time sports republic are sniffing around other shit clubs to snatch up . tbh I don’t really see the point in this multi club thing .. red bull are successful with it but it’s a one off .I don’t really see massive benefits on it myself and it makes me wonder about their priorities .. would rather have owners who a focused solely on us
  17. What’s the alternative .. just let selles continue to dig up rubbish like walcott and elyounoussi.. might as well go down the graveyard and dig up a couple of corpses .. and play his piss poor version of ralphball .. Doing that is basically giving up .. no point going to the games no point even watching a steam .. .. or we could actually try to get another manager in that might actually have some new ideas, utilise the new signings etc .: SR have made some bad decisions, but to just let this guy who is not even a manager continue with this piss poor passive attempt of keeping the score down would be the most crazy of the lot we need to at least try
  18. Good .. it’s about time .. if we keep selles we are absolutely concrete stone cold dead .. Let’s at least try to survive no matter how unlikely.. hopefully get on someone that utilises the new signings and gets away from that shitty 442 slow build up Ralphball crap too
  19. What planet is he on to say this ..? the only thing you can trust them on is that they will be totally gash every game .. how you can watch us all season and think moi is great .. is just complete insanity .. maybe I’m being a little harsh on Theo but he’s been just ok. we spent 60 in January window and instead dig out walcott and moi .. honestly don’t think I can even bother to watch another game with this retard in charge he’s on a differant planet
  20. Worse then jones in my opinion too .. at least jones tried different things and formations etc.. near the end the 4231 looked close to the way we should be setting up .. unfortunately he didn’t get the results .. but I’m not impressed with a couple of extra points from selles when he sets the team up with stupid selections every week and plays the most boring football since branfoot.. he needs to go now.. might as well not even bother turning up if we are gonna continue with him., selles is like accepting relegation without even putting up a fight
  21. Pretty obvious what we are gonna get.. shitty possession based 442 with moi and Theo as first names on the team sheet 😡
  22. Weird comment. The likes of mane pelle,van dijk and wanyama all came from shit leagues too.. 🤨
  23. At least in the days of the Harry redknapps you knew they were totally on board with the signings and would fully utilise them.. tbh I don’t have a problem with our January signings, they looked a good bunch on paper, even Bree is fine for a backup. But ffs at least if your gonna sack jones it might be a idea to give the job to someone on the same page as what you were trying to do in January … that window was us throwing money around to try survive and is now being wasted by the disconnection between Rasmus and selles
  24. Agree with all of this massively .. the 4231 looks tailor made for us.. jones was the only one starting to implement it .. the thing I want to see though regarding our transfer activity is that when we sign a player like Paul for example he should be pushing the likes of adams back in the pecking order. This is how we progress and strengthen.. giving selles the reigns is working out the total opposite. I hope we just cut him loose now tbh .. although trying to get a manager in now would be extremely difficult . But it seems really no hoper tactics and team selection he is using.
  25. It’s madness as jones got what? one game with him lol . I know I keep banging on with this point but If I was Rasmus right now I’d be really pissed that selles isn’t even attempting to use the weapons we brought in to help us stay up, it’s a total slap in the face to him that Paul is behind mara and walcott in the pecking order, as neither of them were starters.. there’s a massive disconnect here but if the manager isn’t on the same wavelength as the transfer ideas it renders all the time and money and effort from January pointless and we end up going backwards and digging out walcott .. would not be at all pleased with this if I were ankersson from a transfer policy side of things it would almost have made more sense to show conviction and stick with jones rather then to spend all of January making signings that then end up fourth choice under selles .. what a absolute shambles
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