Until this month my Mrs had worked 12 years for BA - LGW & LHR short haul and LHR Worldwide so i have a similar insight to yourself. Ths means i have been able to read all the communications she has been sent from BASSA and all those from BA Management. We also have other friends that are crew, not only from BA but Virgin, Qatar, the now defunct Excel. I am also forunate to know ex staff from senior management within both BA and Virgin. I beg to differ on whether Virgin crew were/are more commercially aware - maybe they haven't the same strength in numbers of union membership?
There is a small element of staff still on old contracts - sure, there always is in intergrated businesses. This is more than just about pay, i am sure your Mrs can tell you some horror stories about hotel security for crew accomodation in locations such as Detroit or Johanessburg for example?
Yes the world has changed 2007, however if your employer had failed to implement an agreement reached almost 3 years ago amid deteriorating relations, would you be inclined to trust them more?
Again these old contract holders are now in the minority and any new recruits will be on the new contracts as you say. However the majority of those effected would have been like my Mrs and stand to lose out by virtue of being 'managed out' of the routes that earn any decent allowances which we be given to those on the new contracts - possibly up to a point where you would have to resign.
No BA are not rolling in it but the agenda against its cabin crew does exist i assure you (and has done for years).
If other airline staff feel they have stronger grievances then they should be pressuring their union to do something about it - oh, they don't have strong union representation do they?
Pay rises have very little to do with this - there is a bigger picture. I have not heard the one about Ryan Air and no water for their crew and if true i would think this puts them legally on very dodgy ground certainly under HSE requirements.
Only the business customer holds any sort of sway, the rest of Joe Public are seen by most scheduled airlines as a pain in the a**.
Remember as a PLC the only responsibility BA has is to its' SHAREHOLDERS. Everyone else can go hang.