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do i not like fizzy pop

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Everything posted by do i not like fizzy pop

  1. It's blooming brilliant! Having some real fun with this up in Yorkshire. Just one question, and maybe to my shame, but when were we top of Division 1 in 1988? I don't remember that at all.... Though a friend has pointed out it was a heavy year for drinking....
  2. South Coast bass and beat poets Stocksnskins debut full album "Face Don't Fit'" http://stocksnskins.bandcamp.com/album/face-dont-fit
  3. I took my boys to watch this as it's just down the road, plus kids were free and adults £3. First ten minutes we were all over them and the Leeds goal was very much against the run of play. Some good play from our midfield but the final decisive ball was often lacking. Sims goal was a lovely solo run and shot, and Barnes was powerful. The most frustrating thing as a spectator was the amount of long high balls hit toward Sims who can only be 5'8" and he was up against two Leeds centre backs of at least 6'2". A very well disciplined Leeds team and their keeper dominated his penalty area, came out and caught crosses and corners, though too many of our corners and free kicks were too close to the keeper. Ultimately we were undone by some comedy defending at the end. Oh, and it was bloody freezing.
  4. Do not use Wren! Shocking! B&Q very hit and miss. One friend couldn't speak highly enough of them, another is still unable to use his new kitchen as they haven't delivered his worktops - 8 weeks and counting - and no end in sight, poor customer service Benchmarx are part of Travis Perkins - good quality for the price Howdens - what service you get depends on the individual branch/franchise, but do not buy their Lamona appliances - they're effing terrible and customer service is not good
  5. Passed a Mercedes Vito can this morning with the number plate "VD 51GNS" Why, oh why did I not see that yesterday? I could have had some real fun with that!
  6. The "he's crap, not worth the money, better options elsewhere" comments will start soon...... Oh they have already :-D
  7. Plane tracking wind ups, sense of entitlement, VVD is coming, VVD isn't coming, how dare we not let VVD leave, sense of entitlement, if VVD comes it'll be their year (again). 3 and out ;-)
  8. Nothing on TV so just read the most recent 30 or so pages on RAWK - pure gold
  9. Latest Twitter rumour is VVD given four days leave and is out of the country with his family, and to report for training on Monday. I can't be bothered with the linking nonsense but this slug saint guy and cabbage face both separately tweeting ( and getting royal bites from dippers)
  10. Looks like it's fermenting. It's just a slow fermentation. I'd leave it for a full two weeks to ensure primary fermentation has completed rather than the 7-10 days they say on the kits, unless you intend on using a hydrometer to check the og (but I always think that's a bit of a faff)
  11. Certainly the yeast can go off/die off which means it won't ferment. Sometimes the fermentation appears a little slow - i've had kits where very little has bubbled through the airlock - but they've been fine. Is it being kept between 20-24 degrees to allow fermentation? Some yeasts do emit a bad smell - German pilsner yeast smells like bad eggs while fermenting. Assuming you have a plastic lid is it raised as if under pressure as this would indicate fermentation is happening? As for the question if the extract goes off - possibly, but if in a sealed tin i would think it lasts for ages.
  12. I think one thing to come out of this saga is that having made the complaint against Liverpool to the PL and having received the public apology, other clubs IF interested in VVD are playing it very carefully at the moment.
  13. Fire extinguishers used to be: Red - Water (Combustible materials eg paper, wood fires), Black - CO2 (electrical, flammable liquids eg paint, petrol), Blue - Dry Powder (all fires except high temperature eg deep fat friers) and the Green - Halon (pretty much banned now, except for example on aircraft where there is no suitable alternative). Perversely it was EU legislation in the 1970s that meant the UK had adopt the standard red with colour flashband to identify extinguisher type - though the UK deemed it not an important enough issue to participate in the motion when it joined the EU. There is also now an additional yellow banded fire extinguisher containing a wet chemical for high temperature fires. On a commercial basis extinguishers need to be certified when purchased and inspected and re-certified every year.
  14. In theory (without seeing the building drawings) it can be done. Tyco and others manufacture heads for low ceiling clearance, but as you say fitting these in a flat on a retro fit is problematic - the more likely output would be to cover the communal areas, corridors, stairwells, etc - the areas deemed means of escape- but I'm going to stick my neck out and based on nothing more than back of a fag packet calculation say you are looking at somewhere between £1-£1.5m for a full system. That's if the structure can take the weight of the water tank on roof.
  15. That's 'Right To Buy' for you.
  16. At the risk of moving away from the political sniping on here and while waiting for my 24hr 3 post embargo to expire the thing that's been troubling me is this figure of £200/£300k that's being bandied around for the cost of retro fitting sprinklers in similar tower blocks. In a previous life I bought sprinkler systems for a large retailer and while the primary design of our systems was the protection of property and asset, for a 40,000m2 store new build the cost was between £550-£600k. This was a build with largely straight unhindered runs, very few wall penetration, would require fewer heads than a tower block of that size and was using fully compliant and certified manufacturers and installers to LPS standards. Also we had to have a huge water tank as you can't rely on mains pressure to feed the system. This has potentially enormous structural considerations to an old building
  17. Sorry Johnny, the European Standards on both Building Regulations and Fire Standards are more stringent than the British Standards. If you look at the Part B Building Regulations it clearly states that while the British Standards are sufficient to pass European Standards are the preferred higher standard
  18. More of a concern is whether tower blocks designed and built in the 1960s/1970s are now fit for purpose almost 50 years on. Any changes to regenerate these blocks are little more than polishing turds
  19. Hopefully to put your mind at rest Tim, this is a brief table how each of the insulation materials burn. (note this text is taken from a document specifically for rainscreen cladding) "EPS will initially soften and shrink away from a small flame, but will then melt and burn. The voids created by melting admit oxygen, which intensifies the fire. Molten flaming droplets can spread the fire. All the material between the metal facings is likely to be consumed, leading to loss of structural stability. At the outset of the fire, development is fairly slow and contained. In a well-established fire, the material will contribute to the fire development. Delamination and collapse may be sudden. EPS was recognised as the worst of the plastic foams in fire conditions. Extruded polystyrene (XPS) is a thermoplastic product equivalent to the flame retardant grade of EPS, but behaves similarly to EPS in fire conditions. PUR is combustible. However, it forms a char layer which tends to inhibit further combustion. The char layer is relatively fragile. It may break off to expose fresh combustible foam. PUR also contributes to fire growth in a fully-developed fire, giving off black smoke and toxic fumes, including hydrogen cyanide above 850oC. PIR, a variant of PUR having improved fire properties, is difficult to ignite and exhibits a pronounced charring which enables it to withstand fire for longer, but is ultimately combustible. Phenolic foam is difficult to ignite. It chars, gives off fumes and burns with black smoke, but flame spread, smoke and toxic fume generation are moderate. Rockwool mineral fibre, inorganic rock fibres bonded together with small amount of combustible binder, is non-combustible."
  20. This is where the problem is with rainscreen cladding systems and the insulation used within. The insulation core can be made of polyurethane (PUR), polyisocyanurate (PIR), expanded polystyrene (XPS), phenolic foam or mineral wool (Rockwool). All are combustible to varying degrees (mineral wool is the safest and most expensive) and behave differently in a fire - some won't propagate a flame for example but melt and this melt can be flammable, some char rather than burn and some smoulder rather than burn releasing thick smoke.
  21. Getting redirects to Google play for Uber and malware pop-ups but strangely only on the Nile Ranger thread?
  22. Has anyone checked PoL for the Scummers takeover saga thread?
  23. Keep getting multiple redirects to Play Store for Russian Bride, Game of War apps when viewing the forum home page and the main board page while using android.
  24. Saw Neil Ashton 'wrote' it, didn't bother reading any further
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