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charlie saint

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Everything posted by charlie saint

  1. Plus, as a self confessed middle-class, middle aged, unemployed, mortgaged man who goes to football (when I go -I live in Kent) with his wife - can I also blow the myth that people like me have plenty of disposable income? Christ, I wish I was 20 years younger, single, still living with my mum. THAT's the group with 'disposable income'.
  2. *wracks brain* I remember (what must have been) the 10th anniversary of the Premier League - the papers published an 'all time' league table, and I think we were bottom - definitely of all the clubs which had never been relegated (a much longer list then).
  3. Jimmy Hill's bound to come up soon... he's been a player, manager, chairman, linesman, commentator... probably all at the same time at least once. Coventry? Fulham? I'm sure Paul Scally (Gillingham) registered himself as a player.
  4. I'd like to see a thread where someone else remembers all the forum posts with people moaning and moaning about Rory Delap's very very long throw, and how no-one would ever score from one.
  5. Used to see him sat in the Itchen. People would nudge and point as they went up to their seats. Nice looking girlfriend.
  6. If it helps - I'm not in favour of relocating the stadium, and I live in Kent. OK, I don't go to that many games, but the walk through town from the Grosvenor car park I use is the most pleasurable part of the journey (ok - give or take a bit of rain)... and the same afterwards. As someone else said - the 15000 cars which would be in arriving and leaving the car park the out-of-town enormodome would make the whole excercise hellish. As for the St Mary's = bland argument... that would be cured instantly if they rebuilt one or two of the stands. No - I hope they stay, especially if they can regenerate the riverfront to make it a nicer place, develop the transport links a bit, and expand a stand or two.
  7. THANK GOD they've got their priorities right! Kelvin's thoughtful insights on 'concentrating on the league' yesterday just weren't taking my mind off the wait-to-see which inadequate nonentity they were going to see fit to foist on us as manager. Now there's an 'app' for a telephone I'll never own, I don't care about the rest of the season. Brilliant.
  8. My wife (who bought the shirt for me) says that when she rang on Monday this week to 'chase the order', she was indeed told that it would be 6 weeks - until she explained that she'd already ordered etc. Presumably the person she spoke to was on auto-pilot. Mind you, the online store said 'sold out except for 6xl' as early as 2 weeks ago. If it's any consolation, I'd say it was probably worth waiting for (but then, I didn't have to wait, particularly).
  9. My (size M) home shirt arrived yesterday, after being ordered by 'phone some time last week. I am very happy with it in every way. Just saying.
  10. Last year (when I was a jobseeker), ITV4 re-ran every episode of The Big Match from that season in its correct week, including the League Cup final (which, I think, was the only episode to feature Saints at all). There were more than a few weeks when they had little to show, because of a very bad winter. Channon was at Man City, and they were on more than once, so that was interesting... even Brentford were on (the name Bill Dodgin made me scramble for my copy of In That Number). It was a bit depressing to watch though - seeing how poor and scruffy everything looked - watching a 30 year old recession while in the middle of another one. Hard to explain, but it accentuated the feeling of life slipping past (I was 10 in 1979, and apparently didn't know I was born!).
  11. Of course, the words of the song are a question. The answer to which is 'no'.
  12. See, this I just don't understand. Do you actually support this club? I ask, because otherwise why would you be moaning about them attempting to raise as much money as possible - even if it's by selling clothes you don't like (and don't have to buy)? Moan all you like about how they then spend that money.
  13. The only actual 'singing' I heard was after Lampard's goal was disallowed... actually, that was a bit of a golden moment for me - the entire watching world was treated to a rousing chorus of "The referee's a W*nker! The referee's a w*nker!"
  14. If you're missing them, try this http://www.vuvuzela-time.co.uk/www.saintsfc.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10280~2090047,00.html
  15. I was at the Charlton Game with a Charlton supporting mate, who said our beer was actually very good (compared to what they serve at The Valley). Well, what he actually said was "They don't water it down here", but still - faint praise is still praise. Just saying.
  16. WHy bother getting upset - it's only Americans getting it wrong... Unless you're 100% confident you get every minute detail right about how people from elsewhere choose to identify themselves, I'd just grin and bear it. I doubt people from South of the Mason-Dixon Line like being referred to as 'Yanks', for instance.
  17. I expect it's been noticed before, but I can't go through all 880 posts to find it. Shoot me down: Go and look at the online shop at the Saints website. Look at the replica kits. See that they are reduced for clearance. Look at the date this offer expires. Then notice that the dates are different for home kit and away kit. I reckon those are the dates you are looking for. If I'm right, do you reckon you can keep this thread going until then?
  18. That pretend American doctor off the telly?
  19. Other clubs' merchandise is often good for a laugh. Once, because I was interested in how Anders Svensson was doing, I had a look at FC Elfsborg's website. They had on sale his 'n' hers underpant briefs in club colours. They were very nicely photographed. WHERE'S THE NEW HOME KIT!?
  20. Have a look at the season's record in the back of a programme.
  21. What were we talking about? Oh yeah... looking at the absolute number of points we are behind at different stages of the season is a complete red herring. Someone explained this ages ago, in the context of the minus 10 points. 9 points behind after 20 games is actually a worse position than still being 11 points behind after 40... of course, you're still 9 or 11 points behind, but as a percentage of the total... it's hard to explain, but do you see?
  22. Good point... and you're half right. Looking at the back pages of a recent Saints Matchday Programme, the score for that Norwich match is down as 2-2. But the all important letter in the 'Result' column is a big W. You have to look at the footnote for the score of the penalty shootout (6-5), and the scorers (presumably so these goals can be kept separate from their personal tally, as suggested). So - we won the match. The score was 2-2.
  23. Steve Moran used to be a regular at The Talisman in Park Gate, back in the 80s.
  24. The goal stood, so it can't have been offside.
  25. This season will set a record for me - three games (both Charlton games, and Gillingham away - a mate at work is lending me his season ticket for the Rainham End). Not bad, considering most of this year I've been unemployed.
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