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Yorkshire Saint

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Everything posted by Yorkshire Saint

  1. good man ..it works thanks
  2. No not in Wesy Yorks ....any other great ideas chaps
  3. Any radio coverage anywhere that i dont have to pay for?
  4. just back..bad luck Saints..neither side deserved to win on a very cold day .... Lambert was non existant.
  5. In Leeds ....-2 ..but the sense of victory is sweet in the air !
  6. WEATHER WATCH Live in Leeds ...we have a light drizzle of snow..occasionally getting heavy. Alls white but thats about it. Mother says its worse in Salisbury Granted it is -2 but cant see that causing a problem...wrap up warm ! Will notify if situation changes Over and Out
  7. I live in Leeds ..nothing doing on the snow front
  8. http://www.leedsunited.com/news/notice-for-fans-saturday-bus-strike-suspended-20091218_2247585_1908664
  9. Go to EBAY and do a search on Football Clubs...you can bid for Watford !
  10. Hi yes re pub, sorry for delay in response: Junction 39 come off motor way to roundabout take first exit left and about 200 yards on your right hand side its called the navigation down a side road. Good Grub Good Ale etc .. quickly back on M1 and traffic permitting 20mins to ground (not sure if you are parking or getting dropped off) Let me know if you are going..alternatively town centre but like others have said keep away from Holbeck, not worth it after match.
  11. lol ..just been on there official site ... Job Site are advertising for an accounts assistant 16-17k. Do you suppose they get a discount on advertising there own jobs lol ?
  12. Got 1 ticket here I live 5-10 miles south of Leeds on M1. If you want a pub to drive from i can do some work ...other wise its Pea**** or Dry Salters within walking distance. I have fantastic local in Horbury..200 yards off junction 39 slip road of M1...anyone fancy it let me know.
  13. I was in the queue too ...some chap telling me how he was on the flight up with the players...me being all impressive, im trying to look on a par and interested get some inside info and Strachan walks through gates 5 ft from me ...my bird (at 2nd Saints game) says "so who's Gordon Strachan" ..what a w**ker i looked !
  14. Just got in ...10/10 ...Not Pretty but Good Job well done. Good Support 10/10 to the bloke behind me ...delayed....YOU FAT BAST**D...quality. 10/10 Lallana windmill after goal ...he ran all the way down to us and his reaction at final whistle. UP THE SAINTS. (Do worry Connelly, class that he is, is determental to team aka Kevin Phillips 2003-2004, Lambert clearly stuggles with him)
  15. you only had to see Lallana at the end and after he scored the 2nd ..he aint moving ! He's a Saint !
  16. Anyone know if you can pay on the gate?
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