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Yorkshire Saint

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Everything posted by Yorkshire Saint

  1. wonderful ..and i just paid my £3 booking fee on my Sheff Wed ticket !
  2. I know its obvious to say but surely Keegan and Shearer have got to be high on the list. They both want to be in Football management desperately and this would be a win win situation for both after the Newcastle debacles. Id guess NC already knows who is coming in to be fair..if its Zola then i just dont know how i would feel but hey we are league 1 ..O Neil , lets dream that would be good..... either which way i would be suprised if the contracts are not already signed and they are waiting for the ink to dry for an announcment after tonights game.
  3. As i pressed Post they have got out of it CVA accepted. Hey Ho
  4. Could these be the final moments of our nearest and dearest ........ Personally, with out malice, i hope so, as a precedent needs to be set with a Premier League Club as they recently were and if it happens to be them so be it. For the balance of the argument i would have accepted it to have been Saints if it had been for the good of the game... I cant see it happening but announcement any moment.
  5. go down pub have ten pints ................................dirty norther ba****rds Never hear it anymore but bloody love it same with " I can plough and milk a cow and drive a great big mower .............etc" Never hear it but both were fantastic milton road songs
  6. 3-2 Reading Simon Church
  7. 2-2 Penalty Reading after Dan Harding pulled J Tabb down
  8. Harding cross not dickson for second sorry
  9. Dickson Freekick Hammond header 2-1 Saints 10000 + in ground ! ps cherries 4-0 up
  10. To close Nick Illingsworth thread Yes OR No
  11. Not a hope in hell ..... I used to enjoy these forums for Saints related footie gossip chat etc ...now we have 16 pages about Nick bloody Illingsworth,that sort of says it all....it has become a shop window for people to actually believe they are involved directly with the running of the club when in fact like me they are customers so just go enjoy the football. Losers weirdos and freaks in a nut shell
  12. what he chooses to do and gets fed up of all the petty squables on this message board thread....
  13. Can i suggest this whole message board and thread is perhaps a little bit silly/sad Just a thought
  14. The Saints Trust = Non Entity Nick Illingsworth is a non entity who has put him self on a pedastal which has lasted a few years due to the state of the club. A professional person enters the equation (NC) and starts creating a perception of a professional club and kicks the stool from under muppets like Nick Illingsworth and the Daily Echo.... and rightly so. The Clues are there ...70% use the official site...the official site reports the facts as they happen.....and so on and so on
  15. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-10655764 So your not buying Saints then ?
  16. that should be madea sticky at the top of the forum for all the t*ats who come on here moaning.....compulsary view every time you log in ..........
  17. 9/10
  18. all off to west ham perhaps....KD next ?
  19. http://www.saintsweb.co.uk/showthread.php?19034-Goal-Keeping-coach Old link re goalkeeping coach ....
  20. Keith Granger is his namejust been up again ...not accepting full time role at club. Seems a little odd
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