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Yorkshire Saint

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Everything posted by Yorkshire Saint

  1. This thread is so funny, i thought it was only me ! Problem is it bloody works !
  2. Yes I do regularly and I have been promoted in the last year because of Nigel. I am being serious. (First promotion in 10 years this end)
  3. She Defo said block 43, she said you are in the first seat after segregation
  4. Mental, watched saints 100's of times over the years but never been to derbygame versus skates. After reading this forum just phoned and got a ticket block 43 first line of defence .... Quality ... Absolutely made up and for the record collection only but 100's left in family stand and chapel corner Bring it on
  5. That's how it feels to be robbed mr bates
  6. £36 a ticket - now you know what it's like to be robbed mr bates - get in there you beauty
  7. Oakley looks Ill even
  8. OakLey looks I'll
  9. Guly terrible performance even without the defending - Adkins stop messing with the team nothing needed changing at 1-0 it's no coincidence the goal came from ward who fox had in the bag. FFS !!!
  10. sorry just noticed this ha been covered
  11. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-15859800
  12. one word .... "LIVERPOOL"
  13. lol not gay ..was just half cut watching footage
  14. still crying watching footage
  15. 11pm in Yorkshire....still crying !
  16. http://www.oldhamathletic.co.uk/page/NewsUpdate/0,,10337~2323535,00.html
  17. http://www.oldhamathletic.co.uk/page/NewsUpdate/0,,10337~2323535,00.html
  18. http://www.forbes.com/wealth/billionaires#p_8_s_arank_-1__-1 2011 List I found Paul Allen at 57 net worth 13 Billion, no sign of the Leibherrs
  19. its amazing how such a simple comment can provoke such nonsense.
  20. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/teams/h/huddersfield_town/9419644.stm I dont mean this with any ill intent as its a bad injury you would not wish on anyone but i really think this could help us as he is undoubtedly one of if not the star player for them
  21. Alright alright i get it
  22. I really could not give a monkeys ass if you want to be so predantic
  23. RIP DEANO. (Absolutely Stunned)
  24. That was the point...they were outside and not aloud to smoke
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